In this chapter, Server Side Service used in XPLATFORM program is now created. When sending data received from form to the server, XPLATFORM program uses “Transaction” function. Applicable “Transaction” function transforms the received variables and dataset to XML Format to send calling JSP. The result value of calling JSP is confirmed at the callback function registered during calling through the factor of ErrorCode and ErrorMs.
Created service in Server Side can use language such as JSP, Java Servlet, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP and etc. In this sample, enter and received data from the form (Form) is saved by using JSP and approaching to Database (MySql). Created Service cannot send the enter value in forms of DataSet through web browser. Therefore, only through XPLATFORM form, it can be tested.
Practice Purpose
Data received from XPLATFORM form creates JSP which saves in database as delivered through “Transaction” features.
Service which is called when implementing saving function at the program used in workbook is implemented. In order to save XML Format Data received from XPLATFORM program in the database, the method of using XPLATFORM XAPI (Library for Java) provided at XPLATFORM is introduced.
After creating XPLATFORM, it is tested using programs.
Preparation Requirements
Equipment for server, Database (MySql), WAS(Tomcat), XPLATFORM XAPI, JSP creation tools
UX-Studio Usage -> UX-Studio Function Guide
Implementation Features.
According to the following steps, default objects of XPLATFORM are created, and then XML data is saved in database.
In this sample, XML Format Data delivered to JSP can analyze using other parser, not XPLATFORM library (XPLATFORM XAPI). However, if the dedicated object of XPLATFORM XAPI is being used, the program can be more easily created without any unnecessary analyzing task.
Even though creating with different methods from this sample but ass long as XML Data used in XPLATFORM follows the regulation, there is no problem to use any types of servers.
The example of server composition used in general.
Service creating language: Java series (Java Servlet, JSP), ASP series (ASP, ASP.NET)
Web server : web server included in Apache and WAS.
Database : Oracle, MS SQLServer, Sybase, DB2
WAS(Web Application Server) : WebLogic, WebSphere, JEUS, Tomcat, Resin
Database binding module should be provided in service creating language. When creating service, general web editor (eclips, Visual Studio .NET, NotePad, …) is used but not USXtudio. In this sample, it has been implemented to allow the execution in Tomcat using JSP.
Referral Service
<!-- 3.Proclaiming XPLATFORM XAPI(Library) --> <!-- 2.Proclaiming Java Library --> <!-- 1. Creating General JSP --> <% /** 4. Generating XPLATFORM General Object(PlatformData) **/ /** 7-1. ErrorCode, ErrorMsg Transaction **/ try { /** 5-1. Database Connection **/ try { /** 5-2. Creating SQL Perform Syntax **/ /** SELECT Transaction **/ /** 6. Creating Dataset and Saving Data in Dataset **/ /** 7-2. ErrorCode, ErrorMsg Transaction **/ } catch (SQLException e) { /** 7-3. ErrorCode, ErrorMsg Transaction **/ } /** 5-3. Database Close**/ } catch (Throwable th) { /** 8-4. ErrorCode, ErrorMsg Transaction **/ } /** 8-5. ErrorCode, ErrorMsg Transaction **/ /** 9. Creating XML print object (PlatformResponse) **/ %>
The Entire Code (search.jsp)
<!-- 3.Proclaiming XPLATFORM XAPI(Library) --> <%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="com.tobesoft.xplatform.tx.*" %> <!-- 2. Proclaiming Java Library --> <%@ page import="java.sql.*"%> <!-- 1. Greating General JSP --> <%@ page contentType="text/xml; charset=UTF-8" %> <%! public String rsGet(ResultSet rs,String id)throws Exception{ if(rs.getString(id) == null)return ""; else return rs.getString(id); } public boolean isEmpty(String str) { if (str == null)return true; if ("".equals(str.trim()))return true; return false; } %> <% out.clearBuffer(); /** 4.XPLATFORM General Object (PlatformData) Creation**/ PlatformData pdata = new PlatformData(); /** 7-1. ErrorCode, ErrorMsg Proclaiming Part **/ int nErrorCode = 0; String strErrorMsg = "START"; /** 5-1.Database Connection **/ try { Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { String url = "JDBC:mysql://localhost:3306/demo"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"demo","1234"); stmt = con.createStatement(); /** 5-2.SQL Creating Perform Syntax **/ String sql = " SELECT * FROM customer " ; if (!isEmpty(request.getParameter("keyword"))){ sql += " WHERE LCASE(name) like LCASE('%" + request.getParameter("keyword")+ "%') " ; } rs = stmt.executeSearch(sql); /** 6. Creating Dataset and Saving Data in Dataset**/ DataSet ds = new DataSet("customers"); ds.addColumn("id",DataTypes.INT); ds.addColumn("name",DataTypes.STRING, 16); ds.addColumn("email", DataTypes.STRING, 32); ds.addColumn("birthday", DataTypes.STRING, 8); ds.addColumn("phone", DataTypes.STRING, 16); ds.addColumn("home_addr", DataTypes.STRING, 256); ds.addColumn("company", DataTypes.STRING, 32); ds.addColumn("jobtitle", DataTypes.STRING, 32); ds.addColumn("busi_phone", DataTypes.STRING, 16); ds.addColumn("busi_addr", DataTypes.STRING, 256); int row = 0; while({ row = ds.newRow(); ds.set(row,"id",rs.getInt("id")); ds.set(row,"name",rsGet(rs,"name")); ds.set(row,"email",rsGet(rs,"email")); ds.set(row,"birthday",rsGet(rs,"birthday")); ds.set(row,"phone",rsGet(rs,"phone")); ds.set(row,"home_addr",rsGet(rs,"home_addr")); ds.set(row,"company",rsGet(rs,"company")); ds.set(row,"jobtitle",rsGet(rs,"jobtitle")); ds.set(row,"busi_phone",rsGet(rs,"busi_phone")); ds.set(row,"busi_addr",rsGet(rs,"busi_addr")); } pdata.addDataSet(ds); /** 7-2. ErrorCode, ErrorMsg Transaction **/ nErrorCode = 0; strErrorMsg = "SUCC"; } catch (SQLException e) { /** 7-3. ErrorCode, ErrorMsg Transaction **/ nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage(); } /** 5-3. Database Close**/ if(rs != null){try{rs.close();} catch(Exception e){ nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();}} if(stmt != null){try{stmt.close();}catch(Exception e){ nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();}} if(con != null){try{con.close();} catch(Exception e){ nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();}} } catch (Throwable th) { /** 7-4. ErrorCode, ErrorMsg Transaction **/ nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = th.getMessage(); } /** 7-5. ErrorCode, ErrorMsg Transaction **/ VariableList varList = pdata.getVariableList(); varList.add("ErrorCode", nErrorCode); varList.add("ErrorMsg", strErrorMsg); /** 8. Creating XML print Object (PlatformResponse) **/ HttpPlatformResponse res = new HttpPlatformResponse(response); res.setData(pdata); res.sendData(); %>
Code Analysis
It is the beginning of the code.
<!-- 1. Creating General JSP --> <%@ page contentType="text/xml; charset=UTF-8" %> <%! public String rsGet(ResultSet rs,String id)throws Exception{ if(rs.getString(id) == null)return ""; else return rs.getString(id); } public boolean isEmpty(String str) { if (str == null)return true; if ("".equals(str.trim()))return true; return false; } %> <% /** Parts being implemented for data transaction **/ %>
Proclaiming Java Library
In order to create JSP service, proclaim general library of java. Libraries proclaimed for general object of Java and log management of web server are as follows:
<!-- 2. Proclaiming Java Library --> <%@ page import = "java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.commons.logging.*" %>
Proclaiming XPLATFORM XAPI(Library)
When creating XML Data, it is necessary to follow the format used by XPLATFORM.. XML Format Data can use commercialized Parser like “xerces”, or implement directly. However, if using library (XPLATFORM XAPI) for XPLATFORM Java, due to creating dedicated object and using it, it is easy to extract data using object functions without parsing XML Data Format separately.
The screipt proclaiming XPLATFORM XAPI is as follow:
<!-- 3.Proclaiming XPLATFORM XAPI(Library) --> <%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="com.tobesoft.xplatform.tx.*" %>
Creating XPLATFORM Basic Object (PlatformData)
Proclaim basic object for transacting data. After parsing XML data XPLATFORM received by program, it is stored in forms of Dataset in PlatformData. XML Data can multiple Dataset at a time. The result obtained by performance of SQL sentences from database is stored in Dataset. Dataset can create multiples with proclaiming and create multiple dataset and receive them through just one communication. Variables used as factors or return values are stored at VariableList. Dataset and VariableList created from the procedure are included in PlatformData objects. Therefore, to use variables(VariableList) or Dataset, proclaimation of PlatformData must be required.
The script proclaiming PlatformData is as follow:
out.clearBuffer(); /** 4.Creating XPLATFORM Basic Object(PlatformData) **/ PlatformData pdata = new PlatformData();
Binding Database & Creating SQL Perform Syntax
Database Connection
For transaction, connect database and perform SQL sentences which are appropriate for each data.
The methods binding database are diverse depending on types or implementing language.
In this sample, JSP(Java Server Page) is created while MySql is connected.
For connection, use JDBC(Java Database Connectivity) to connect database.
Database connection is 5-1, and the script for safely finishing connection after completion of use is the same as 5-3.
Creating SQL Perform Syntax
Data being asked is included in database. By binding database and perform SQL sentences, desired data are extracted. Add conditional parts employing factor (keyword) received when JSP calling. The grammar implementing SQL sentences have slight differences depending on the area that database allows. The result of SQL perform is temporarily saved in “rs” which is ResultSet(Java Object). The script implementing SQL basic sentencs and conditional sentences are as 5-2.
/** 5-1.Database Connection **/ /******* JDBC Connection *******/ try { Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try{ String url = "JDBC:mysql://localhost:3306/demo"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"demo","1234"); stmt = conn.createStatement(); /** 5-2.Creating SQL Perform Syntaxd **/ String sql = " SELECT * FROM customer " ; // If there is a condition for referring. if (!isEmpty(request.getParameter("keyword"))){ sql += " WHERE LCASE(name) like LCASE('%" + request.getParameter("keyword")+ "%') " ; } rs = stmt.executeSearch(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { } /** 5-3. Database Close**/ /******** JDBC Close ********/ if(rs != null){try{rs.close();} catch(Exception e){nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();}} if(stmt != null){try{stmt.close();} catch(Exception e){nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();}} if(con != null){try{con.close();} catch(Exception e){nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();}} }catch (Throwable th) {}
Creating Dataset & Saving Searched Data in Dataset.
Even though data in “rs” which is ResultSet directly delivers to XPLATFORM, it is not recognized as Data. It should be transformed into XML Format that XPLATFORM approves. Since its process might be slightly inconvenient, it is recommended to use DataSet of dedicated object that XPLATFORM library provides. DataSet included in it parent, PlatformData can be easily transformed to XML Format Data by using PlatformData features. In this sample, the process that the value of ResultSet delivers to Dataset per each unit of Column in order to demonstrates basic features. However, for employing the real project, it is possible to reduce to create unnecessary script if applying this part made into common function.
The script for transferring data of ResultSet(“rs”) to DataSet is as follows:.
/** 6. Dataset Saving created and searched Data into Dataset **/ /********* Dataset Creation **********/ DataSet ds = new DataSet("customers"); ds.addColumn("id",DataTypes.INT); ds.addColumn("name",DataTypes.STRING, 16); ds.addColumn("email", DataTypes.STRING, 32); ds.addColumn("birthday", DataTypes.STRING, 8); ds.addColumn("phone", DataTypes.STRING, 16); ds.addColumn("home_addr", DataTypes.STRING, 32); ds.addColumn("company", DataTypes.STRING, 32); ds.addColumn("jobtitle", DataTypes.STRING, 32); ds.addColumn("busi_phone", DataTypes.STRING, 16); ds.addColumn("busi_addr", DataTypes.STRING, 256); int row = 0; while({ row = ds.newRow(); ds.set(row,"id",rs.getInt("id")); ds.set(row,"name",rsGet(rs,"name")); ds.set(row,"email",rsGet(rs,"email")); ds.set(row,"birthday",rsGet(rs,"birthday")); ds.set(row,"phone",rsGet(rs,"phone")); ds.set(row,"home_addr",rsGet(rs,"home_addr")); ds.set(row,"company",rsGet(rs,"company")); ds.set(row,"jobtitle",rsGet(rs,"jobtitle")); ds.set(row,"busi_phone",rsGet(rs,"busi_phone")); ds.set(row,"busi_addr",rsGet(rs,"busi_addr")); } // Add DataSet to PlatformData pdata.addDataSet(ds);
Transacting Errorcode and ErrorMsg
With the process above, basic data transaction has been implemented. However, there are exceptions very likely. When errors occur, it is preferable to transact the parts with script.
/** 7-1. Proclaiming parts of ErrorCode and ErrorMsg **/ int nErrorCode = 0; String strErrorMsg = "START"; /** 7-2. Transacting ErrorCode and ErrorMsg **/ // If transaction is successful nErrorCode = 0; strErrorMsg = "SUCC"; /** 7-3. Transacting ErrorCode and ErrorMsg **/ // If transaction is failed nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage(); /** 7-4. Transacting ErrorCode and ErrorMsg **/ // If transaction is failed nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = th.getMessage(); /** 7-5. Trnasacting ErrorCode and ErrorMsg **/ //Referring to VariableList VariableList varList = pdata.getVariableList(); // Adding the value to VariableList directly varList.add("ErrorCode", nErrorCode); varList.add("ErrorMsg", strErrorMsg);
Creating XML print Object (PlatformResponse)
Through previous process, data is included in Dataset by extracting from Database. The error message is also registered in VariableList. Since DataSet and VariableList are the member of PlatformData, the result value of JSP perform is included in PlatformData object. Now, parts to send in data of PlatformData will be implemented by extracting with ML Format that XPLATFORM approves.
For easily implementing features which send data, the scripts which creates PlatformResponse of XPLATFORM library and prints data from PlatformData are as follows:
/** 8. Creating XML print object(PlatformResponse) **/ // Generating HttpPlatformResponse using HttpServletResponse HttpPlatformResponse res = new HttpPlatformResponse(response); res.setData(pdata); // Sending Data res.sendData();
Service of Saving
The Entire Code (save.jsp)
<!-- 3.Proclaiming XPLATFORM XAPI(Library) --> <%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="com.tobesoft.xplatform.tx.*" %> <!-- 2. Proclaiming Java Library --> <%@ page import="java.sql.*"%> <!-- 1. Creating basic JSP --> <%@ page contentType="text/xml; charset=UTF-8" %> <%! public String nvl(String id)throws Exception{ if(id == null )return ""; else return id; } public boolean isEmpty(String str) { if (str == null)return true; if ("".equals(str.trim()))return true; return false; } %> <% out.clearBuffer(); /** Creating PlatformRequest & Reading Data **/ /** Generating HttpPlatformRequest using HttpServletRequest */ HttpPlatformRequest req = new HttpPlatformRequest(request); /** XML Data Analysis */ req.receiveData(); /** Saving data in forms of PlatformData */ PlatformData i_xpData = req.getData(); /** Extracting Dataset from PlatformData */ DataSet inDs = i_xpData.getDataSet("customers"); /** Creating XPLATFORM basic object(PlatformData) **/ PlatformData pdata = new PlatformData(); /** Proclaiming part of ErrorCode and ErrorMsg **/ int nErrorCode = 0; String strErrorMsg = "START"; /** Database Connection **/ try { Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { String url = "JDBC:mysql://localhost:3306/demo"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"demo","1234"); stmt = con.createStatement(); /** Creating SQL Perform Systax **/ String sql = ""; /** Managing Transaction */ con.setAutoCommit(false); int rowType=0; int i=0; /** Transact Dataset with INSERT, UPDATE **/ for ( i=0 ; i <inDs.getRowCount() ;i++){ rowType = inDs.getRowType(i); if( rowType == DataSet.ROW_TYPE_INSERTED ){ sql = " INSERT INTO customer " + " (name, email, birthday, phone, home_addr" + " , company, jobtitle, busi_phone, busi_addr ) " + " VALUES ( ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"name")) + "' , '" + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"email")) + "' , '" + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"birthday")) + "' , '" + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"phone")) + "' , '" + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"home_addr")) + "' , '" + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"company")) + "' , '" + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"jobtitle")) + "' , '" + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"busi_phone")) + "' , '" + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"busi_addr")) + "' ) " ; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } else if( rowType == DataSet.ROW_TYPE_UPDATED ){ sql = " UPDATE customer SET " + " name = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"name")) + "' , " + " email = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"email")) + "' , " + " birthday = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"birthday")) + "' , " + " phone = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"phone")) + "' , " + " home_addr = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"home_addr")) + "' , " + " company = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"company")) + "' , " + " jobtitle = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"jobtitle")) + "' , " + " busi_phone = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"busi_phone")) + "' , " + " busi_addr = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"busi_addr")) + "' " + " WHERE id = " + inDs.getInt(i,"id") ; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } } /** Transacting Dataset with DELETE **/ for( i = 0 ; i< inDs.getRemovedRowCount() ; i++ ){ sql = " DELETE FROM customer WHERE id = " + Integer.parseInt(inDs.getRemovedData(i,"id").toString()) ; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } /** Managing Transaction */ con.commit(); /** 7-2. Transacting ErrorCode and ErrorMsg **/ nErrorCode = 1; strErrorMsg = "SUCC"; } catch (SQLException e) { /** 7-3. Transacting ErrorCode and ErrorMsg **/ nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage(); } /** 5-3. Database Close**/ if(rs != null){try{rs.close();} catch(Exception e){ nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();}} if(stmt != null){try{stmt.close();}catch(Exception e){ nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();}} if(con != null){try{con.close();} catch(Exception e){ nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();}} } catch (Throwable th) { /** 7-4. Transacting ErrorCode and ErrorMsg **/ nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = th.getMessage(); } /** 7-5. Transacting ErrorCode and ErrorMsg **/ VariableList varList = pdata.getVariableList(); varList.add("ErrorCode", nErrorCode); varList.add("ErrorMsg", strErrorMsg); /** 8. Creating XML print object(PlatformResponse) **/ HttpPlatformResponse res = new HttpPlatformResponse(response); res.setData(pdata); res.sendData(); %>
Analyzing Code
It is a beginning part of code.
<!-- 1. Creating basic JSP --> <%@ page contentType="text/xml; charset=UTF-8" %> <%! public String nvl(String id)throws Exception{ if(id == null )return ""; else return id; } public boolean isEmpty(String str) { if (str == null)return true; if ("".equals(str.trim()))return true; return false; }%> <% /** The part to be implemented for transacting data **/ %>
Proclaiming Java Library
It is the same as the contents of “Proclaiming Java Library”.
Proclaiming XPLATFORM XAPI (Library)
It is the same as the contents of “Proclaiming XPLATFORM XAPI(Library)”.
Creating XPLATFORM Basic Object (PlatformData)
It is the same as the contents of “Creating XPLATFORM Basic Object (PlatformData)“.
Creating XML enter object (PlatformRequest) and Reading Data
Data which was delivered by XPLATFORM program is XML Format. This can be used directly through direct parsing. However, if using XPLATFORM library, it can be implemented easily.
The script creating PlatformRequest object is as followss.
/** 5.Creating PlatformRequest & Reading Data **/ // Creating HttpPlatformRequest using HttpServletRequest. HttpPlatformRequest req = new HttpPlatformRequest(request); // XML Data Analysis req.receiveData(); // Save data in forms of PlatformData. PlatformData i_xpData = req.getData(); // Extract Dataset from PlatformData. DataSet inDs = i_xpData.getDataSet("customers"); %>
Database Connection & Creating SQL Perform Syntax
Database Connection
For transaction, connect database and perform appropriate SQL sentences at each data.
The methods of binding database are diverse following the types of database and implementing language.
In this sample, MySql is connected while creating JSP(Java Server Page).
In connection, using JDBC(Java Database Connectivity), database is connected.
After binding database and completing use of them, the scripts for finishing connection safely are as follows:
/** 6-1.Database Connection **/ try { /******* JDBC Connection *******/ Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; try{ String url = "JDBC:mysql://localhost:3306/demo"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"demo","1234"); stmt = con.createStatement(); } catch (SQLException e) { } /******** JDBC Close ********/ if ( stmt != null ) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();} if ( con != null ) try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { nErrorCode = -1; strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();} }catch (Throwable th) { }
Creating SQL Perform Systax.
Data to save is in the Dataset object.
As reading data from Dataset, it is saved in database, one by one.
According to the status of record, Dataset data delivered when JSP calling, performs appropriate SQL sentences. The scripts implementing appropriate SQL sentences with analyzing the record status are as follows:
/** 6-2. Creating SQL Perform Systax **/ String sql = ""; // Managing Transaction con.setAutoCommit(false); int rowType=0; int i=0; /** INSERT and UPDATE Dataset **/ for ( i=0 ; i <inDs.getRowCount() ;i++){ rowType = inDs.getRowType(i); if( rowType == DataSet.ROW_TYPE_INSERTED ){ sql = " INSERT INTO customer " + " (name, email, birthday, phone, home_addr" + " , company, jobtitle, busi_phone, busi_addr ) " + " VALUES ( ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"name")) + " ' , ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"email")) + " ' , ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"birthday")) + " ' , ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"phone")) + " ' , ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"home_addr")) + " ' , ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"company")) + " ' , ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"jobtitle")) + " ' , ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"busi_phone")) + " ' , ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"busi_addr")) + " ' ) " ; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); }else if( rowType == DataSet.ROW_TYPE_UPDATED ){ sql = " UPDATE customer SET " + " name = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"name")) + " ' , " + " email = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"email"))+ " ' , " + " birthday = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"birthday")) + " ' , " + " phone = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"phone")) + " ' , " + " home_addr = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"home_addr")) + " ' , " + " company = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"company")) + " ' , " + " jobtitle = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"jobtitle")) + " ' , " + " busi_phone = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"busi_phone")) + " ' , " + " busi_addr = ' " + nvl(inDs.getString(i,"busi_addr")) + " ' " + " WHERE id = " + inDs.getInt(i,"id") ; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } } /** Deleting Dataset **/ for( i = 0 ; i< inDs.getRemovedRowCount() ; i++ ){ sql = " DELETE FROM customer WHERE id = " + Integer.parseInt(inDs.getRemovedData(i,"id").toString()) ; stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } // Managing Transaction con.commit();
Transacting Errorcode, ErrorMsg
It is the same as "Transacting Errorcode and ErrorMsg".
Creating XML print Object (PlatformResponse)
It is the same as "Creating XML print Object (PlatformResponse)".