
Testing Messages with FCM Server

Whether to send and receive data with the FCM server can be tested through a test script.

Running Script/Batch File

Run test_mobile_fcm.bat for Windows and test_mobile_fcm.sh for Linux.

There are 4 arguments required and they are as follows.

$ test_mobile_fcm.bat/sh [apiKey] [devicetoken] [messagetype] [message]

messageType can be set as 'data' or 'notification' to specify the payload type.


You can check normal operation through the system log.

Testing Messages with APNS Server

Whether to send and receive data with the APNS server can be tested through a test script.

Running Script/Batch File

Run test_mobile_apns.bat for Windows and test_mobile_apns.sh for Linux.

There are 6 arguments required and they are as follows.

$ test_mobile_apns.bat/sh [certpath] [password] [keyType] [production] [devicetoken] [message]

Run test_mobile_apns.bat for Windows and test_mobile_apns.sh for Linux.

For the .p12 extension, KeyType is PKCS12.

You can check normal operation through the system log.