This user manual is a guide for X-PUSH administrators and developers.
The Administrator Guide introduces X-PUSH and provides information regarding its installation, running, setup, and operation.
The Developer Guide is comprised of information regarding development of an authenticator for running an X-PUSH Server, development of a message provider for creating and sending a message to an X-PUSH Server, and methods for receiving and processing messages in the client (MiPlatform, XPLATFORM, Nexacro Platform).
This user manual is organized as follows:
Administrator Guide
Describes the overall structure and functions of an X-PUSH Server.
An installation guide for an X-PUSH Server.
A setup guide for an X-PUSH Server.
Database Table
Describes the table configuration of the database connected to the X-PUSH server.
A guide for starting and stopping an X-PUSH Server.
A guide for operating and monitoring an X-PUSH Server.
Developer Guide
Work outline for applying X-PUSH.
Describes the basic tasks required to apply X-PUSH to the system.
Message Layout Definitions
Describes the message layout definition file for the protocol adapter.
Message Provider Development
Describes the API required for creating and transmitting messages to the push server.
User-defined Interface Development
Describes user-defined interface APIs available in the X-PUSH system.
Describes the charsets for the Message Provider, Client, and Message Formatter.
Common Notation
To increase readers' understanding, this user manual contains separate notations for words or sentences with special meanings. The following is an explanation of the notations.
Notes, tips, and cautions are given as follows:
Notes are used to provide brief explanations, references, or comments.
Tips are provided to give helpful advice.
Cautions provide information that demands special attention from readers or users.