
To debug programs with bugs, run target programs with Debugger. When you need to reach specific command or edit specific variable, pause with Debugger. While the program is paused, user inspects current value of data and check if program is following expected path.

Debug is divided into ‘Debug’ that targets the whole project and ‘Debug Form’ that targets only currently opened Form. The Debug function explained in this document is focused on the ‘Debug Form’ function.

Debug Start

This will be explained through an example of a Form that sums 1 to 100.

To check changing values while running program, set up Breakpoint. To set up Breakpoint, move cursor to target line and press <F9>. To delete Breakpoint, move cursor to target line and press <F9> again. Breakpoint shall be removed.

Run program in Debug mode. If you set up more than one Breakpoint from source code, click Debug Tool Bar shown in the [Figure] or select Menu [Debug – Start Form Debugging]. Same function will be done when you press the shortcut key, <F6>.

Figure below shows the screen when the program is paused. The arrow shown in the screen directs the location of command line that is currently being executed.

When Debug starts, Debug, Watch, Call Stack, and Variables windows will be activated as below.

Debug Window

Watch Window

When you want to know the current value of variables and formulas traced by Debugger or the current value of specific variables when program pauses, register target variable in the Watch Window as shown in [Figure]. The changing values will be shown when program pauses or is in progress.

You can enter variable name directly to ‘Expression’ of Watch Window with keyboard, or add variable name by using drag & drop from the Variables window.

Expression added in Watch Window can be deleted by using <Del> key, and the Watch Window list is separately managed in the UX-Studio, so the latest Expression list is displayed when opening project.

Variables Window

This is a screen that shows current value of variables which can be accessed from a pause position.

Debug Window

[Figure] is a screen which displays the status of Debugger.

Call Stack Window

[Figure] is a screen which displays functions that came across up to the point of pause in a reverse order.

Debug Menu

Functions provided in the Debug Menu are as below.





Start Debugging

Start debugging mode of project<F5>


Start Form


Start debugging mode of currently selected Form <F6>


Stop Debugging

End debugging mode



Restart debugging mode


Step Into

Debug one step at a time, When summoning other functions in step, move to relevant function <F11>


Step Over

Run remaining parts of current function and stop at the next line after function summoning is done


Step Out

Debug one step at a time, After running one step, move to the next step<F10>


Run to Cursor

Stop after progressing to the line where cursor is currently at


Toggle Breakpoint

Set/Clear Breakpoint <F9>


Delete Selected


Clear selected Breakpoint from the Breakpoints Window


Delete All


Clear all Breakpoints


Go To Source

Move to Source Code location of selected Breakpoint



Selected Breakpoint

Activate/Deactivate selected Breakpoint from Breakpoints window


Enable/Disable All


A function which activate/deactivate all set Breakpoints