Project Explorer Icon
The meanings of icons displayed in Project Explorer are as below.
Menu | Function | ||
1 | Project | Project | |
2 | TypeDefinition | Configuration information needed to run Form | |
3 | Updates | Update Group | |
4 | Update | Update | |
5 | Components | Component Group | |
6 | Component | Components defined in Type Definition | |
7 | User Component | Components that user created by inheriting existing components | |
8 | Composite Component | Components that user created by grouping many components | |
9 | GlobalVariables | Global variables | |
10 | Objects | Object Group | |
11 | Object | Object | |
12 | Variables | Variable Group | |
13 | Variable | Variable | |
14 | Datasets | Dataset Group | |
15 | Dataset | Dataset | |
16 | Column | Column information used in Dataset | |
17 | Images | Image Group | |
18 | Image | Image used in project | |
19 | ADL | ADL | |
20 | MainFrame | MainFrame of project | |
21 | ChildFrame | Frame construction information of MainFrame | |
22 | ApplicationMenu | Application Menu information | |
23 | Widgets | Widget group | |
24 | Widget | Widget information | |
25 | Trays | Tray group | |
26 | Tray | Tray information | |
27 | Styles | Style group | |
28 | Style | Style information | |
29 | Themes | Theme group | |
30 | Theme | Theme information | |
31 | ScreenInfo | Screen group | |
32 | Screen | Screen information | |
33 | Forms(FDLs) | Service group | |
34 | Form(FDL) | Form information | |
35 | Layout | Component group that is displayed in Form Design | |
36 | Script | Function group that is declared in script of Form | |
37 | Func | Function Item declared in script | |
38 | Bind | BindItem group | |
39 | BindItem | Information of each bind item |
Toolbar Functions
UX-Studio is providing various functions in a toolbar form.
Standard (V9.2 changed)
Standard Bar is a collection of main functions that UX-Studio provides.
By combining related functions, ADL/Theme Tool bar that was provided previously is removed, and combo controls that can select ADL, Theme, and Screen information are added.
Menu | Function | ||
1 | Open Project | Open Project | |
2 | Open | Open files that can be edited in UX-Studio | |
3 | New | Create new project or Form, User Component, CSS, XML, XJS, etc. | |
4 | Save | Save form documents that are currently opened | |
5 | Save All | Save all opened form documents | |
6 | Cut | Cut selected area and save to clipboard | |
7 | Copy | Copy selected area and save to clipboard | |
8 | Paste | Paste what is saved in clipboard | |
9 | Print current document | ||
10 | ADL | ADL currently activated | |
11 | Theme | Theme Theme that is being used in the currently activated ADL | |
12 | Screen | Screen information that will be used during launch Used when using Launch Project function) | |
13 | Launch Project | Run Project | |
14 | Quick View | Run Form that with XPLATFORM | |
15 | Options | Display Options Window of UX-Studio |
Align Bar is a collection of component ranging functions used when developing Form screen.
Menu | Function | ||
1 | Align Lefts | Align to the left value of component that was selected last | |
2 | Align Centers | Align to the horizontal center value of component that was selected last | |
3 | Align Rights | Align to the right value of component that was selected last | |
4 | Align Tops | Align to the top value of component that was selected last | |
5 | Align Middles | Align to the vertical center value of component that was selected last | |
6 | Align Bottoms | Align to the bottom value of component that was selected last | |
7 | Same Width | Align to the width value of component that was selected last | |
8 | Same Height | Align to the height value of component that was selected last | |
9 | Same Size | Align to size of component that was selected last | |
10 | Space distribute Horizontally | Distribute components with same horizontal spaces in between (V9.2 changed). Rearrange components with equal spaces. | |
11 | Space distribute Vertically | Distribute components with same vertical spaces in between (V9.2 changed). Rearrange components with equal spaces. | |
12 | Same space Horizontally | Distribute components with same horizontal spaces in between (V9.2 added). User can control the space of component through dialog | |
13 | Same space Vertically | Distribute components with same vertical spaces in between (V9.2). User can control spaces through dialog. | |
14 | Posit Center | Move selected components to horizontal center of Form Canvas | |
15 | Posit Middle | Move selected components to vertical center of Form Canvas | |
16 | Posit Left | Move selected components to the left side of Form Canvas | |
17 | Posit Right | Move selected components to the right side of Form Canvas | |
18 | Posit Top | Move selected components to the top of Form Canvas | |
19 | Posit Bottom | Move selected components to the bottom of Form Canvas | |
20 | Bring to Front | Bring selected component to the front | |
21 | Send to Back | Send selected component to the back | |
22 | Bring Forward | Bring selected component forward | |
23 | Send Backward | Send selected component behind | |
24 | Lock Control | Fix components position so that it cannot be moved with a mouse or release it. |
TextStyle Bar is a collection of TextStyle setting functions of selected component used when developing Form screen.
Menu | Function | ||
1 | Font Name | Change font name | |
2 | Font Size | Change font size | |
3 | Bold | Display text in bold | |
4 | Italic | Display text in Italic | |
5 | Strikeout | Display strikeout lines | |
6 | UnderLine | Display underlines | |
7 | Anti-Alias | Display text smoothly | |
8 | Front Size Up | Increase font size | |
9 | Front Size Down | Decrease font size | |
10 | Text Align Left | Align text to left | |
11 | Text Align Center | Align text to the center | |
12 | Text Align Right | Align text to right | |
13 | Text Align Top | Align text to the top | |
14 | Text Align Middle | Align text to the middle | |
15 | Text Align Bottom | Align text to the bottom |
Objects Bar is a collection of components registered in TypeDefinition. You can construct screen by dragging relevant components when editing screen.
Menu | Function | ||
1 | Select | Component select icon | |
2 | Div | Summon another form in a form and use it as one, Bind related components into one | |
3 | Button | Component used for mouse input | |
4 | PopupDiv | Construct several segmented screen one screen | |
5 | Combo | Combination of Edit and Drop down List | |
6 | CheckBox | Component that has TRUE/FALSE value toward checkmark | |
7 | ListBox | Component used when selecting item after arranging items into a list | |
8 | Edit | Component with input-output control of character string | |
9 | MaskEdit | Component with input-output control of character strings with regulated forms like date and commas in numbers (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss) | |
10 | TextArea | Component with input-output control of character strings with several lines | |
11 | Menu | Component used when constructing Menu Item | |
12 | Tab | Component used when dividing one page into several tab pages | |
13 | ImageViewer | Component used when displaying images on screen | |
14 | Radio | Component used when selecting one item among provided list of selection | |
15 | Shape | Component used to draw shapes like lines, triangles, squares, circles, and rounded squares | |
16 | Calendar | Component used to input date | |
17 | Static | Component used when depicting names of other presentation components | |
18 | Grid | Component which handles the contents of Dataset in a chart form similar to spread sheet | |
19 | Spin | Component used when inputting numbers according to a set rule | |
20 | PopupMenu | Component used when constructing Popup Menu | |
21 | Splitter | Component to divide screen | |
22 | GroupBox | Component which groups related components when constructing screen | |
23 | ProgressBar | Component which shows the status of project progress using graphic | |
24 | ActiveX | Component used when using ActiveX | |
25 | PropertiesAnimation | PropertiesAnimaiton Component | |
26 | TransitionAnimation | TransitionAnimation Component | |
27 | MoveAnimation | MoveAnimation Component | |
28 | CompositeAnimation | CompositeAnimation Component | |
29 | Dataset | Component which saves data in a table form | |
30 | FilteredDataset | Component which saves data in a table form | |
31 | FileDialog | Dialog component which can select file | |
32 | GraphicPath | Component that can output shapes using lines and curves with PathData information on Form | |
33 | VirtualFile | Component used when using file |
Debug Bar is a collection of functions needed when debugging
Menu | Function | ||
1 | Debug Project | Start project debugging mode | |
2 | Debug Form | Start debugging mode for currently selected form | |
3 | Restart Debugging | Restart debugging mode | |
4 | Stop Debugging | End debugging mode | |
5 | Step Into | Debug one step at a time, When summoning other functions in step, move to relevant function <F11> | |
6 | Step Over | Debug one step at a time, When summoning other functions in step, move to relevant function <F11> | |
7 | Step Out | Debug one step at a time, After running one step, move to the next step<F10> | |
8 | Run to Cursor | Stop after progressing to the line where cursor is currently at | |
9 | Toggle Breakpoint | Set/Clear Breakpoint <F9> | |
10 | Delete Selected Breakpoint | Clear selected Breakpoint from the Breakpoints Window | |
11 | Delete All Breakpoints | Clear all breakpoints | |
12 | Go To Source | Move to Source Code location of selected Breakpoint | |
13 | Enable/Disable All Breakpoints | A function which activate/deactivate all set Breakpoints |
HTML5 toolbar is a collection of HTML5 compiles related functions. It is interlocked with XHTML5Compiler.exe. (From February 2012 patch).
Menu | Function | ||
1 | Application Compile | Compiles the whole project. The compiled results will be saved in the output path designated in the option, If the output path is not designated in options, you can save by designating the path in the popup window. | |
2 | Service Compile | Compile service selected in Project Explorer | |
4 | File Compile | Compile only the form design file being edited currently | |
4 | Stop Compile | Stop compiling | |
5 | Web Browser | Select Web Brower used during Launch and Quick View | |
6 | Launch Project(HTML5) | Run project with selected Web Browser. You can enter ‘LAunchProject.jsp’ URL of compiled project in the popup window as shown below | |
7 | QuickView(HTML5) | Run form currently being edited with Web Brower You can run form by entering ‘Quickview.jsp’ URL of compiled project in the popup window as shown below | |
8 | QuickView Debug(HTML5) | Run form being edited in Debugging mode with selected web browser |
Bookmark Bar is a collection of Bookmark functions that can move to specific lines during source editing
Menu | Functions | ||
1 | Toggle Bookmark | Set or clear bookmark at the location where cursor is currently at | |
2 | Previous Bookmark | Find previous bookmark and locate cursor | |
3 | Next Bookmark | Find next bookmark and locate cursor | |
4 | Previous Bookmark in Document | Find previous bookmark from current editing window and locate cursor | |
5 | Next Bookmark in Document | Find next bookmark from current editing window and locate cursor | |
6 | Clear Bookmarks | Clear all bookmarks | |
7 | Clear Bookmarks in Document | Clear all bookmarks in currently editing window |
CSS Selector
It is a collection of functions that adds or deletes each selector
메뉴 | 기능 | ||
1 | Go to Source | Move to the source code location of selected Selector. You can do the same by double clicking selector. | |
2 | New Selector | Input new selector | |
3 | Add Descendant Selector | Add descendant selector to selected selector | |
4 | Add Child Selector | Add child selector to selected selector | |
5 | Delete | Delete selected selector | |
6 | Rename | \ Change name of selected selector | |
7 | Compress All | \ Delete al properties that are not being used | |
8 | Uncompress | Display all properties of selected selector |
Menu Bar
Menu Bar is a collection of functions provided by UX-Studio
Menu | Icon | Function | |
1 | New | Project: Create new project Item: Create new item File: Create new file Form: Create new form User Object: Create new user object Style Sheet(.css): Create new Style Sheet file in current project XML(.xml): Create new XML file in current project Script (.xjs): Create new XJS file in current project XTheme(.xtheme): Create new theme file in current project | |
2 | Open | Project: Open new project File: Open files that can be edited in UX-Studio (js,css,xds,xtheme,etc.) | |
3 | Close | Close form that is open | |
4 | Close Project | Close project that is open | |
5 | Save | Save currently activated edit screen | |
6 | Save As… | Save currently activated edit screen as another name | |
7 | Save All | Save all edit screen that is open and all the changed contents from Project Explorer | |
8 | Recent Files | Display recent files opened | |
9 | Recent Projects | Display recent projects opened | |
10 | Launch Project | Run Project | |
11 | Import… | A function which imports xfdl being used in another project to current project or creating new project by importing export project files with [Export Project] function | |
12 | Export Project | Export currently opened project to file | |
13 | Project Template | Register current project to project template, Can be reused when creating new project | |
14 | Layout Template | Register layout template, Registered template can be applied when creating new form | |
15 | Print text of source or script | ||
16 | Print Setup | Set up print page | |
17 | Save the Project as Compiled XML | Save project as compiled XML file | |
18 | Exit | End UX-Studio |
Menu | Icon | Function | |
1 | Undo | Return to the previous step | |
2 | Redo | Return to previous step of Undo | |
3 | Cut | Cut selected area and insert to clipboard | |
4 | Copy | Insert selected area to clipboard | |
5 | Paste | Paste contents in clipboard | |
6 | Paste Special | Select properties and bind information of component in clipboard and paste | |
7 | Delete | Delete selected components or text of selected area | |
8 | Select All | Select all text from source or script window | |
9 | Find… | Find character string from source or script window | |
10 | Find in File… | Find files that include designated word among files in designated path | |
11 | Replace | Replace specific character strings to another in source of script window | |
12 | Goto Line… | Move cursor to specific line in source or script window | |
13 | Bookmark | Same as toolbar[Bookmark] | |
14 | Comment Selection | Put comment on selected area in source or script window | |
15 | UnComment Selection | Clear the comment from selected area in source or script window | |
16 | Refresh File Status | Reload file |
Menu | Icon | Function | |
1 | Toolbars | Standard: Display/Hide Standard Bar Align: Display/Hide Align Bar TextStyle: Display/Hide TextStyle Bar Objects: Display/Hide Objects Bar Debug: Display/Hide Debug Bar HTML5: Display/Hide HTML5 Bar Bookmark: Display/Hide Bookmark Bar CSS Selector: Display/Hide CSS Selector Bar | |
2 | Toolbox | Display/Hide Component Toolbox | |
3 | Statusbar | Display/Hide Statusbar | |
4 | Project Explorer | Display Project Explorer window. When it is open, move focus | |
5 | Properties | Display Properties window. When it is open, move focus | |
6 | Style Properties Editor | Display Style Properties window. When it is open, move focus | |
7 | Output | Message: Display Output Debug: Display Debug Find Result1: Display Find Result1 Find Result2: Display Find Result2 Global Bookmark: Display Global Bookmark | |
8 | Debug | Breakpoints: Display Breakpoints Window Call Stack: Display Call Stack Window Variables: Display Variables Window Watch: Display Watch Window |
Menu | Icon | Function | |
1 | Align | Same as Toolbar[Align Bar] | |
2 | Space | Same as Toolbar[Align Bar] | |
3 | Size | Same as Toolbar[Align Bar] | |
4 | Position | Same asToolbar[Align Bar] | |
5 | Arrange | Same as Toolbar[Align Bar] | |
6 | Zoom | Set expansion/reduction percentage of open screen | |
7 | Layout Resize | Resize component size automatically or by input value following default layout | |
8 | Tab Order Editor | Summon Tab Order Editor | |
9 | Tab Order View | Display Tab order of component continuously on Form Design screen | |
10 | Show Bind State | Display bind status of component | |
11 | Quick View | Run form with XPLATFORM | |
12 | Quick View (Variable) | Run form with XPLATFORM after inputting variables |
Menu | Icon | Function | |
1 | Options… | Open Options Setup Window of UX-Studio | |
2 | Customize... | Open Customize Window of UX-Studio that sets up menu and toolbar |
HTML5 toolbar is a collection of HTML5 compiles related functions. It is interlocked with XHTML5Compiler.exe. (From February 2012 Patch).
Menu | Function | ||
1 | Application Compile | Compiles the whole project. The compiled results will be saved in the output path designated in the option, If the output path is not designated in options, you can save by designating the path in the popup window. | |
2 | Service Compile | Compile service selected in Project Explorer | |
4 | File Compile | Compile only the form design file being edited currently | |
4 | Stop Compile | Stop compiling | |
5 | Web Browser | Select Web Brower used during Launch and Quick View | |
6 | Launch Project(HTML5) | Run project with selected Web Browser. You can enter ‘LAunchProject.jsp’ URL of compiled project in the popup window as shown below | |
7 | QuickView(HTML5) | Run form currently being edited with Web Brower You can run form by entering ‘Quickview.jsp’ URL of compiled project in the popup window as shown below | |
8 | QuickView Debug(HTML5) | Run form being edited in Debugging mode with selected web browser |
Menu | Icon | Function | |
1 | Make Project Archive | Create project files into xzip file and register to Type Definition | |
2 | Make Theme Archive | Create Theme files into xzip file. | |
3 | Make Run Template | Create Run.xzip and hybrid_typedef.xml file that includes Run.html that runs Hybrid App. |
Menu | Icon | Function | |
1 | Cascade | Arrange editing windows in a terraced form | |
2 | Tile | Arrange editing windows in a tile form | |
3 | Arrange Icons | Minimized icon arrangement | |
4 | Close | Close selected edit window | |
5 | Close All But This | Close all screens except the currently opened window | |
6 | Close All | Close all edit windows | |
7 | Next | Move to next edit window | |
8 | Previous | Move to previous edit window | |
9 | Maximize Active Window | Function not actualized |
Menu | Icon | Function | |
1 | Help | Display Help Window | |
2 | About UX-Studio… | Display UX-Studio information window | |
3 | What’s New? | Display information added/changed in XP 9.2 |
Grid Contents Editor
Grid Contents Editor is an editor that can edit Grid’s Contents Properties. Grid Component has many properties by each cell unit that composes grid besides properties that can be seen in the Properties window.
You can summon Grid Contents Editor by double clicking Grid Component from Design Window.
Grid Contents Editor is composed of main edit window and properties window and design source. In the main edit window, you can add or delete cell by using popup menu and shortcut keys or edit properties. On the top of the main edit window, column index will be displayed, and the lower part will be separated into head, body, and summary. In the properties window, Cell division, properties list of target cell, and each cell value will be displayed.
Column or Row can be added from the Popup Menu of main edit window.
Menu | Icon | Function | |
1 | Add Column | Add Column | |
2 | Add Head Row | Add Head Row | |
3 | Add Body Row | Add Body Row | |
4 | Add Summ Row | Add Summ Row |
When cell is selected, Popup Menu will appear.
Menu | Icon | Function | |
1 | Cut | Cut Column or Row | |
2 | Copy | Cut and copy Column or Row | |
3 | Paste | Paste copied contents to clipboard Append paste to last Insert Paste by inserting | |
4 | Add | Add Column or Row | |
5 | Insert | Insert Column or Row | |
6 | Delete | Delete Column or Row | |
7 | Merge Cells | Merge selected cells | |
8 | Split Cell | Split merged cells | |
9 | Same Width | When all area is selected, change all width value of columns to the width value of first column | |
10 | Undo | Undo function | |
11 | Redo | Redo function |
In Design Source, you can display Grid Contents in a XML form and you can edit directly from there.