Installing Nexacro Platform X-APIs

Nexacro Platform APIs (X-APIs) are provided in the form of server modules, and serve the data processing between a server and clients. X-APIs simplify data processing by providing functions such as sending, receiving, and processing data.


X-APIs, provided in the form of JavaScript-based server modules, require JDK or JRE (version 1.4 or higher).

Users will copy the JAR files included in the nexacro-xapi/lib directory of the installation CD and move them to the WEB-INF/lib directory of the WAS or to defined class paths. The offered JAR files are as follows.

File name









X-API internal logging

Apache Commons Logging

The jar file name includes the version information. If you have not deleted the old version of the file, then the incorrect version of the jar file may be applied. For example, if you are to update the 1.0.0 version to the 1.0.1 version, then you need to delete the 1.0.0 version.

nexacro-xapi-1.0.0.jar (Delete)

nexacro-xapi-1.0.1.jar (Add)

License Authentication

Users will copy the license file (nexacro17_server_license.xml) to the same directory or defined class path as the one that contains JAR files.

If one or more other license files are copied to different paths, the license file located in the same directory with JAR files is first to be applied.

Depending on the setup of the server, the WAS requires re-booting after JAR files and a license file are copied.

Version Check

If the jar file name is expressed in 2 digits like "1.x.x", then the "1.x.x" included in the file name is the version.

If the jar file name is "1.0", then check the "Implementation-Version" item with the following command for the X-API version. Nexacro-xeni

java -jar nexacro17-xapi-1.0.jar
--- Manifest ---
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Built-By: Server Team
Created-By: 1.5.0_22-b03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
Main-Class: com.nexacro17.xapi.util.JarInfo
Built-Date: December 16 2019

Name: com.nexacro17.xapi
Specification-Title: X-API
Implementation-Title: X-API
Specification-Version: 1.0
Specification-Vendor: TOBESOFT CO., LTD.
Implementation-Vendor-Id: com.nexacro17
Implementation-Vendor: TOBESOFT CO., LTD.

Confirming Installation

Whether the installation was successful can be confirmed by writing the sample JSP file presented below.

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>

		* { font-family: Verdana }
	new com.nexacro17.xapi.util.JarInfo().info(out);

If successful, details of the X-API version and product license will be output.