Theme / CSS

With Nexacro Platform, you can apply a theme or CSS and easily change the UI style of the project.

Themes and CSS

CSS files and the image files used by the CSS files are included in the theme definition.

Creating CSS Files

Create a CSS file by clicking on the Standard Toolbar Icon, or by selecting [File – New – File – Style Sheet].

Style Sheet Toolbar

Fill in the information for the new CSS on the pop-up.

Create a new Cascading Style Sheet

Create a new Cascading Style Sheet

CSS Properties


File name

File name of style sheet


Location of style sheet

Insert to ADL

Whether to insert a reference to the CSS into the ADL.

If yes, ADL it should be added to

Insert to Form

Whether to insert a reference to the CSS into a Form

If yes, Form it should be added to

CSS File Editor

The CSS Editor is composed of the Selector, Preview Source Code, and Properties windows.

The Selector window shows all selectors of the current CSS document in a tree form. The context menu includes options for managing each selector.

Selector[Popup Menu]

Selector[Popup Menu]

Menu Function


Go to Source

Moves to the location of the source code for the selected selector.

The same function can be performed by double-clicking the selector.

New Selector

Creates a new selector

Add Selector

Adds a child selector to the selected selector.


Deletes the selected selector


Changes the name of the selected selector

Compress All

Deletes all properties that are not being used


Display properties provided by selected selector in CSS


Displays selected selector detail


Hides selected selector detail

The following figure shows an input window for a new selector. You can designate styles for selected elements or set styles for an item with a specific ID value.

New Selector

In the preview window, you can see the results of applying a style. Using the mouse, you test functionality such as Pushed, Mouse Over, Focused, and Disabled.

CSS Editor[Preview]

Using the Source Code window, the developer can edit the style and apply it to the file.

Basically, CSS syntax is composed of the selector and declaration. The selector decides where to apply declared properties, and declaration defines properties. Properties are divided into property name and property value, and the property name decides which style to apply, and property value defines style details.

CSS Editor[Syntax]

You can modify the style values on the Properties window. Your changes are automatically updated in the source code and can be tested in the Preview window.

CSS Editor[Properties]

Creating a Theme

Create a theme by clicking on the Standard Toolbar icon, or by selecting [File – New – File – XTheme].

Theme Toolbar

Enter the file name and file location in the pop-up window.

Create a new XTheme file

Create a new XTheme file



File name

File name of the theme


Location of the theme file

Theme Editor

The Theme Editor, which can create new themes and edit existing themes, is shown below:

Theme Editor

Theme Editor




Folder Tree

List of image files and CSS files to include in the theme


Image Preview

Preview of image file


New Folder

Adds a new folder to the selected location



Inserts a new file in the selected location



Deletes the selected file from list

Style Property Editor

The Style Property Editor allows you to control the style of individual components. Changes are applied directly to the Properties window.

When a CSS file is modified, the Style Property Editor is not supported. Modifications should be made directly to the source code or in Properties Window.


The following figure and table identify the component text properties can be modified.

Style Property Editor[Text]

Style Property Editor[Text]




Font used for text. (font property of Properties window)


The color of the text. (color property of Properties window)


Controls the text alignment style vertical (top, middle, or bottom) and horizontal (left, center, or right). (align property of Properties window)


The following figure and table identifies the border properties that can be modified:

Style Property Editor[Border]

Style Property Editor[Border]




Border style for a component. (border property of Properties window)

Border Type

Border type for a component. (border type property of Properties window)

Focus Border

Focus border style for a component.

(focus border property of Properties window)


The following figure and table identifies the background properties that can be edited.

Style Property Editor[Background]

Style Property Editor[Background]




Background color of the component.

(Background property of Properties window)


Background image of the component.

(Background property of Properties window)


Background gradation of the component.

(Gradation property of Properties window)

Style in Gradation is a template which creates gradation by using the defined values of start, end, and position. It changes the background property of the component to "@gradation". If you cancel gradation from style, the background will be restored to its previous setting.


You can edit the transparency / opacity property of a component.

Style Property Editor[Appearance]

Style Property Editor[Appearance]




Edits Opacity style of component. (Opacity property of Properties window)

The following figure and table identifies the Transformation properties you can edit.