Revision History

Revision Date



An item of bug fix information whose RP number is 73356 has been added to Regular version released in June (July 4, 2017) .


The chapter Product Restrictions has been added.

The title of this document has been changed in line with the addition of the chapter.

(Release Notes → Product Restrictions & Release Notes)


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Product Restrictions.

Windows increasingly takes up memory when WebBrowser is created and deleted repeatedly

Difference in results of executing nexacro.getTextSize

Geolocation is replaced by browsers' own objects

Restriction caused by transaction method executed in synchronous mode

Text Entered in Edit Blinks

Text in Grid is Hidden Partially in Zoomed-in Browser Page

Restriction caused by HTTP Header

Restriction on Calling of setPrivateProfile or getPrivateProfile Method in Safari

Caret in Edit Penetrates Another Component

IE fails to process pending events while it is taken up for a certain amount of time by a specific script


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Product Restrictions.

Different behavior between browsers when the 'undo' item is selected from a context menu

Restriction on calling of alert and confirm methods within onbeforeexit event

Restriction on character length when receiving value from WebBrowser within onusernotify event


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Product Restrictions.

onmouseout event of Div fails to occur if you move mouse pointer quickly

Failure to display displaynulltext property's value with enable property set to false

Focus fails to move to editable component when you make touch actions quickly

Div blinks when focus moves to an editable child component that is partially hidden

Caret moves unintentionally if focus moves to editable component when wait cursor shows

Only caret moves without focus if you drag and drop mouse pointer between components

Virtual keyboard covers editable component when Fullscreen is set in Android


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Product Restrictions.

Event bubbling when enable property is set to 'false'


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Product Restrictions

WebBrowser is display on top in Android


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Caret fails to show properly in iOS when editing text in web page loaded onto WebBrowser


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Alert messages appear when application run on web browser


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Product Restrictions

Style defined for mouseover remains after mouse cursor moves out

Caret appears at the beginning of next line in TextArea when clicking empty space at the end of text on certain line

Varying sequence between onkeydown, onkeyup and ontextchanged events

Contents are reloaded when Z-order of WebBrowser changes


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Product Restrictions

Clicking Cancel button in file dialog of FileUpload leads to different behaviors


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Product Restrictions

Text can be selected by mouse actions even when the cell is not editable

Nexacro Studio makes it seem that cell’s style can be set through CSS file although such functionality is not developed yet


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Product Restrictions

Restrictions related to WKWebView in iOS

Two types of scrollbars appear simultaneously in TextArea

Long-pressing is treated as touching-and-moving

Long-pressing on Form with scrollbar makes screen shake

Below list of restrictions have been moved to the chapter Cancelled Restrictions because they have been resolved.

Restriction on synchronous communications

Caret fails to show properly in iOS when editing text in web page loaded onto WebBrowser


Below list of restrictions have been added to the chapter Product Restrictions

Component's value cannot be fetched within onclick before Japanese characters are fully combined