Let’s look at each item of object metainfo that was not set when generating a project or a new composite component. You can select and double-click the object under the MetaInfo item in the Project Explorer tab or select the [Edit] item from the context menu to edit the metainfo setting value.
Description | |
1 | Select the object under the MetaInfo item. You can edit the relevant information according to the selected object. |
2 | Edit the properties, methods, events, CSS, and Status metainfo information of the selected object. Please refer to the Metainfo Editing (Properties, Methods, & Events). |
3 | Open the Edit Common Information window and edit the information of Enum, Unit, and Refresh commonly used in the module project. |
4 | Edit the metainfo information of the selected object. |
Editing Object Metainfo
Items Automatically Set when Generating Object
The items below are applied when generating the object and cannot be modified.
Items that Can Be Set
Item | Description |
shorttypename | It specifies the TypeName of the object. It is used as an ID and PrefixID in TypeDefinition when installing a module. The default value is set to the same value as the Object ID. |
csscontrolname | It specifies the CSS TypeName of the object control. It is exposed as a list of components that can be added as a selector when editing the XCSS file. The default value is set in the format of [Object ID]_Control. |
subgroup | It specifies the subtype of the component. In the case of the composite component, it is set to the default value (Component). |
csspseudo | Specifies whether to use the Status information of the object. Composite Component and Visible Object are set as true values when created. |
container | It specifies whether the child can contain other objects. |
tabstop | It specifies whether to move the focus to the object using the TAB key. |
cssstyle | It specifies whether to use the object and object control as a selector when editing the XCSS file. When set to false, it is not exposed in the component list. |
defaultwidth | It specifies the default width when placing the component on the screen after registering the module. It is also reflected as the default width when running the emulator. |
defaultheight | It specifies the default height when placing the component on the screen after registering the module. It is also reflected as the default height when running the emulator. |
registration | It specifies whether the object can be registered. If it is set to "deny", the object is not displayed and cannot be registered when installing the module. |
edittype | Sets the object editing type. Uses the information inherited from the created component by inheriting the Menu component. |
popup | Sets the component displayed as a pop-up when executed. For the component created by inheriting the PopupMenu, PopupDiv components or the component displayed in a pop-up form, set to true. |
edittypecomponent | Sets the features of the text editing area. Able to set in the case of the component created by inheriting the Edit, TextArea components or the component having the text editing area. |
dblclickevent | It specifies the event function to be generated or moved when the component is double-clicked on the design tab. |
requirement | Sets the support scope of the created object. It does not affect the actual operation. |
finalclass | Sets whether the created object can be inherited when other objects are created. When set to false, it is displayed in the list of objects that can be inherited when creating a new object according to the object type. |
icon | It specifies the icon to be displayed in nexacro studio after module installation. Please refer to Deployment after Setting Icon to Module Object. |
contents | It specifies whether to use the contents editor. Please refer to Setting with Metainfo Contents Property. |
Common Information Metainfo Editing
Adding Items
Clicking the [+] button in the Edit Common Information window displays a window where you can add items.
Item | Description |
ID | It sets the value to be specified as Enuminfo or Enuminfo2 of the object property. |
Composit | It sets whether you can select more than 1 item. For setting the true value, the property value is set according to the value set by Delimiter. |
Delimiter | It sets the separator when selecting 2 or more items when the Composit value is true. |
When the Composit value is true, a checkbox is displayed so that you can select more than 2 items when selecting the object property in nexacro studio. The selected value processes the property value using the separator set by Delimiter. The example below is the screen where Enum information is displayed when selecting the inputtype property of the Edit component.
You can add an item by selecting the added item and [Add] item from the context menu.
Item | Description |
Name | It sets the value to be used as the property value. |
Item | Description |
ID | It sets the value to be specified as UnitInfo of the object property. |
You can add an item by selecting the added item and [Add] item from the context menu.
Item | Description |
Symbol | It sets the unit value to be displayed in the property window. |
Minimum Limit | It sets the minimum value. |
Maximum Limit | It sets the maximum value. |
Item | Description |
ID | It sets the value to be specified as RefreshInfo of the object property. |
You can add an item by selecting the added item and [Add] item from the context menu. You can apply items among properties that the object has inherited or added and you can modify the order of the applied items.
For example, in the metainfo information of the Combo component, the refreshinfo item value of the index property is "selectitem". The selectitem item is composed as follows.
<RefreshInfo id="selectitem"> <Property name="text" /> <Property name="value" /> <Property name="index" /> </RefreshInfo>
If the index property value is modified in the nexacro studio property window, the property value is updated in the order of text, value, and index, according to the order specified in refreshinfo. Also, in the Generate Code, the set_[value] function is called in the order specified in refreshinfo.
obj = new Combo("Combo00",...; obj.set_taborder("7"); obj.set_text("Combo00"); obj.set_value("3"); obj.set_index("-1"); this.addChild(obj.name, obj);
Editing by Copying Existing Item
A new item can be added when selecting the properties of the selected object and selecting the item values of Enuminfo, Enuminfo2, UnitInfo, and Refresh Properties. At this time, you can copy the existing item to modify and apply it.
Enum, Unit, and Refresh all operate in the same way and the demonstration below is for Enum.
After selecting the property, click the [+] button on the item to be added.
Select [Inheritance] from the expanded list.
Click the [+] button in the Add Enum Information window and select an existing item.
Edit ID and item and save.
The modified item can be checked in the Common Information window.