If compile server is already existed, compile environment in local is not significantly necessary, but it can save resources and minimize interference from other developers during testing.
For your information, local compile environment of sample project is based on Windows XP.
System Requirements
Setup File names | |
Java | Higher than 1.4 |
Memory | No limit. Recommending higher than 1M. |
Web Application Server | No limit. |
OS | No limit. Already tested on Windows, Linux |
JDK Installation
In sample project, JDK6 version is used.
JDK Download
Find “Java SE Development Kit (JDK)” items and download it.
Execute JDK(jdk-6u16-windows-i586.exe) already downloaded.
Select the path to install JDK as follow, and then click Next button.
Installation is executed.
JRE is automatically installed. Select the path to install JRE as follows, and then click Next button.
Installation is executed.
After clicking Finish button, installation is completed.
Setting up variables of environment
“System Properties” > “Advance” tab > “Environment Variables” button > Click “New Create” in system variables.
The window to enter the new system variables, enter as follows.
Name of Variable =JAVA_HOME, Value of Variable=[JDK Installation Path]
Name of Variable=JRE_HOME, Value of Variable=[JRE Installation Path]
After entering, the entered contents are printed on system variable section.
Tomcat (WAS) Installation
In sample project, 5.5.28 version is used.
Downloading Tomcat
After downloading appropriate directory, release compression.
Move the released folder to appropriate location.
In a sample project, it moved to “C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.28”.
Now, WAS is installed.
Installation of XPLATFORM HTML5
Installation of New Context Using War File
It explains the method of installation using XPLATFORM HTML5’s war file. The following explanation is based on Apache Tomcat. For other Web Application Server, refer to applicable WAS manual.
Writing context of tomcat setting file is not supported by some version of Tomcat. Deploy did not succeed more than Tomcat 7.2.
Step 1 : Copy of XPLATFORM HTML5’s war file
Copy the war file of XPLATFORM HTML5 to the appropriate directory. War file is xplatform9-ajax.war which is included in XPLATFORM HTML5 deployment.
In a sample project, the path is “C:\XAE\xplatform9-ajax.war”.
Step 2: Creating Context Setting File of Tomcat.
Create the file of <Tomcat Home>/conf/Catalina/localhost/xplatform9-ajax.xml as follows.
For example, if the war file is copied to “C:\XAE\xplatform9-ajax.war”, create as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Context path="/xplatform9-ajax" docBase="C:/XAE/xplatform9-ajax.war"> </Context>
Step 3: Test after start of Tomcat
To start Tomcat, execute“<Tomcat Home>/bin/startup.bat” file.
To end Tomcat, execute “<Tomcat Home>/bin/shutdown.bat” file.
Installing Existed Context with Jar File.
The method of installation using jar file of XPLATFORM HTML5 will be explained. As keeping existed context, it is possible to copy library file(jar) of XPLATFORM HTML5 and to install it
For example, set up the name of we application which is already installed as “myajax”and installation path as“<Tomcat Home>/webapps/myajax”.
Step 1 : Copy Jar File of XPLATFORM HTML5
Copy jar file of XPLATFORM HTML5 to the library directory of existed context. In a sample project, XPLATFORM HTML5 jar file is copied to the directory of <Tomcat Home>/webapps/myajax/WEB-INF/lib.
Step 2 : Copy External Dependence Library
Copy the external dependence library of XPLATFORM HTML5 to the existing context’s library directory. In a sample project, copy the external dependence library of XPLATFORM HTML5 to the directory of<Tomcat Home>/webapps/myajax/WEB-INF/lib. Please refer to “4.4.3 Installation File” at the bottom for the list of external library.
Step 3 : web.xml Revise
In the contents of Web.xml, add Servlet settings as follows.
In a sample project, it is located on the path <Tomcat Home>/webapps/myajax/WEB-INF/web.xml.
<servlet> </servlet> <servlet> <servlet-name>LoadResource</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.tobesoft.xplatform.HTML5.service.LoadResourceServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <!-- Whether to print StreamLog out or not--> <param-name>streamLog</param-name> <param-value>false</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <!-- Whether to print the execution time of service or not --> <param-name>elapsedTime</param-name> <param-value>false</param-value> </init-param> </servlet> <servlet> <servlet-name>ImageFilter</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.tobesoft.xplatform.service.ImageFilterServlet</servlet-class> <init-param><param-name>cacheDir</param-name> </init-param> </servlet> <servlet> <servlet-name>ForwardRequest</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.tobesoft.xplatform.service.ForwardRequestServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <!-- Through processing images to return the new image.(Stretch Response) --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>ImageFilter</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/services/ImageFilter</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <!-- Send required data to other service(url), and a middle messenger responding received data from other service(url) is HttpServlet --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>ForwardRequest</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/services/ForwardRequest</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> </web-app>
Step 4: Starting Tomcat
To start Tomcat, Run “<Tomcat Home>/bin/startup.bat”.
To quit Tomcat, Run “<Tomcat Home>/bin/shutdown.bat”.
Files for Installation
Files for installing XPLATFORM HTML5 server are as follows:
The followings are installation files for XPLATFORM HTML5.
Name of Files | Compulsory | Major Functions |
Xplatform-xapi-x.x.jar | Compulsory | XPLATFORM X-API |
Xplatform9-ajax-x.x.jar | Compulsory | XPLATFORM HTML5 |
The followings are external dependence libraries of XPLATFORM HTML5.
Name of Modules | Compulsory | Major Functions |
Commons-logging-x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
Commons-collections-x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
Commons-beanutils-x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
Commons-digester-x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
Commons-codec-x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar | Compulsory | |
xstream-1.3.1.jar | Compulsory |
The followings are installation files of XPLATFORM HTML5 Imagefilter.
Name of files | Compulsory | Major Functions |
Xplatform9-imagefilter-x.x.jar | Compulsory | Image Filtering |
The followings are external dependence libraries of XPLATFORM HTML5 Imagefilter.
Name of Modules | Compulsory | Major Functions |
com.springsource.org.apache.batik.ext.awt-x.x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
commons-logging -x.x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
Commons-codec-x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
gif4j_pro_x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
imagefilter-x.x.jar | Compulsory |
The followings are installation files of XPLATFORM HTML5 Exportexcel.
Name of files | Compulsory | Major functions |
xplatform9-exportexcel-x.x.jar | Compulsory | Export Excel |
xplatform-xapi-x.x.jar | Compulsory |
The followings are external dependence libraries of XPLATFORM HTML5 Exportexcel.
Name of Modules | Compulsory | Major functions |
commons-beanutils-x.x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
commons-logging -x.x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
Commons-collections-x.x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
Commons-digester-x.x.x.jar | Compulsory | |
Poi-x.x.jar | Compulsory |
External Optional Libraries
The followings are external optional libraries of XPLATFORM HTML5.
Name of Modules | Compulsory | Major functions |
Log4j-x.x.jar | Optional |
Jar which should be installed compulsorily is required during development and operation.
License Files
The followings are the types of License files.
Name of Setup Files | |
XPLATFORM_Server_License.xml | Providing in forms of XML file. Being located in the same location of X-API jar or in class folders. Check when activating X-API and HTML5. |
XPLATFORM_Client_License.xml | Providing in forms of XML file. Being located on the path accessible with Web. Setting up file path and file names applicable to licenseurl of ADL. Check when activating Runtime and Widget. |
Tool License | Providing in forms of Product Key file. Help of UX-Studio – Register at About UX-Studio. |
X-API License Registration
For project compiling and deployment, X-API license should be registered. The name of X-API license is “XPLATFORM_Server_License.xml”.
There are two methods of license application for X-API use.
Include the license file in the same location of jar files.
Include the license file in the path of class.
If license files are existed in two locations at the same time, license in 1) is applied first. If being included in the same location with Jar files, generally Web Application의 /WEB-INF/lib becomes the path. If being included in class path, generally Web Application의 /WEB-INF/classes becomes the path.
Compile error message if license is not registered.
Tomcat Console Form
Error Message in UX-Studio
If including license files in the same location of jar files.
If in the sample project, placing“C:\XAE\xplatform9-ajax.war” and activating Tomcat, the path of “<Tomcat Home>/webapps/xplatform9-ajax” would be created.
Place license files (XPLATFORM_Server_License.xml) in the path of
“<Tomcat Home>/webapps/xplatform9-ajax/WEB-INF/lib”.
If including license files in the class path
Place license file (XPLATFORM_Server_License.xml) in the path of “<Tomcat Home>/webapps/xplatform9-ajax/WEB-INF/classes” .
If applicable path is not existed, create folder following applicable path.