Packaging refers to a series of procedures of creating and compressing the necessary information in execution. It refers to the formation of hybrid_typedef.xml using update information, Run Archive Files, creation and compression of XPALTFORM HTML5 Archive Files, Project Archive Files for offline use, and the creation and compression of Theme Archive Files. Packaging must use UX-Studio and because it can cause errors, do not create or modify editor arbitrarily. Reflect packaged files excluding Hybrid_typedef.xml to deploy server. Also, it does not run when included in the app because of the Sandbox concept.
Packaging can be done in the Hybrid menu of UX-Studio. Deployment is not supported by UX-Studio, so reflect in the server manually.
Run Archive Files, hybrid_typedef.xml packaging
It is a function that creates Run.xzip including Run.html and hybrid_typedef.xml file that operates Hybrid App.
Click on the menu UX-Studio > Hybrid > Make Run Template.
Create Run.xzip and hybrid_typedef.xml which are Run Archive files.
Number | Item | Explanatory |
1 | ADL | Choose the ADL file (project) that will be implemented. |
2 | Project URL | Set the route in which LaunchProject.jsp. Is placed, which is the initial execution route of HTML5. In the case of using Project Archive Files, which is for offline use, set the route for Project Archive Files. |
3 | Output Path | It is the route in which Run.xzip and hybrid_typedef.xml files will be created. In hybrid_typedef.xml the contents configured in update tab of TypeDefinition will be included. |
Reflect manually Run.xzip that has been created to Deploy Server. Include hybrid_typedef.xml in the app.
Project Archive Files packaging
This function creates the project file in an Xzip project file, and registers it to Type Definition. It should be created only for offline use.
Click on the menu UX-Studio > Hybrid > Make Project Archive.
Select the ADL and screen that will be included in the Archive files.
Step 1: Compose the list of Archive files and set the js folder and out path.
Number | Item | Description |
1 | Archive Type | There are two types, Runtime Project and HTML5 Project. RunTime Project is the form that compresses the existing project files as they are. At this point, the compiled path is changed to unable state. HTML5 project is for HTML5 usage, and its route needs to be designated to the folder with the compiled js file. |
2 | Compiled Path | It designates the compiled project route when selected as HTML5 Project type for Archive Type. |
3 | Output Path | Designate the folder in which Archive file will be created. |
4 | Archive | It is the list of Archive files that will be created. |
5 | Add | Add Archive |
6 | Delete | Delete Archive that has been selected. |
7 | Select File | Files used to compose project files when archive is created can be selected. |
8 | Select All | Select of unselect checks of select file. |
9 | Next | Move to the screen where registration to Type Definition에 Update is possible. |
10 | Finish | Create the Archive file. |
Step 2: by pressing the Next button in the above Step 1, you can register the update file in Type Definition.
Number | Item | Description |
1 | Add | After you create SystemType, add the OS Device and Resource. |
2 | Add | Register the Archive files that will be created from Step 1 to Resource. |
Number | Item | Description |
1 | Type | The type when registering archive file is file. However, when selecting as file, TargetPath, Reference, Version and Description cannot be edited in the enable state. |
2 | File | The file name can be selected as a combo from the archive name created from the above step 1. |
The created archive files are manually reflected on the Deploy Server.
Theme Archive Files packaging
This is the function that makes theme files into xzip files. It is generated only when used for offline purposes.
Click on the menu UX-Studio > Hybrid > Make Theme Archive
Make a theme archive with the converted js.
number | Item | Description |
1 | Theme | Choose the theme subject to Archive. The theme to be selected needs to be already compiled with HTML5 and the route is "path HTML5 has been compiled " / ... / _theme_ |
2 | Compiled Path | Select the project folder HTML5 is compiled in. |
3 | Output Path | Select the route that will create the compressed Archive file. |
Manually reflect the created archive files to deploy server.