It creates Div for composing the full form and menus on both right and left. (Sample design might be different according to used theme.)
Practice Purpose
Implementing Features
They compose the form following the procedures below and bind with Dataset by다음generating component.
Composing Forms(1) : Full Form Composition and Menu Composition
Composing Forms (2) : Menu, Div Implementation
Composing Forms (1) : Composing the full form and menus
It creates Div for composing the entire form and confirms the feature of the top menu.
Creating the Full Form
Creating Form
Create a from referring to "Generating Project". Options used for“Create New Form Wizard”are as follows:
Properties | Description |
Name | Menu |
Location | Base |
Width | 1024 |
Height | 768 |
Specify the titletext property value of form to “Customer Search”.
Ararea the menu on left and 2 division(Div) within the Form area as [Figure] and revise properties.
Division(Div) | ||
Properties | Value | Description |
id | divLeft |
Division(Div) | ||
Properties | Value | Description |
id | divMain |
Menu(Menu) | ||
Properties | Value | Description |
id | mnuTop |
Menu Composition
When activating Customer Management System, the entire menu at the top an form menu on left are appeard. Form menus both at the top and left have the features of registering and calling search screen,
Composing Form (2) : Menu Implementation
Creating Upper Menu -
Menu : Menu
Menue can compse hierarchical menu in depth. Each item of Menu can specify Enabel/Disable and express the Check status. Create above div_top and add Dataset dsMenu by selecting at the component tool bar. The contents of dsMenue are as follows:..
Dataset - dsMenu | |||
id | caption | level | url |
form | Form | 0 | |
list | Customer List Search | 1 | Base::list.xfdl |
entry | Customer Detail Search | 1 | Base::entry.xfdl |
split | | | 0 | |
help | Help | 0 |
“Inner Bind Dataset” window which can specify menu properties is shown up if binding menu and Dataset.
Specified menu properties are as follows:
Inner Bind Dataset(mnuTop) | ||
Properties | Value | Description |
captioncolumn | caption | |
idcolumn | id | |
levelcolumn | level |
Click Menu and select “onmenuclick”among Event items of “Properties” windows. Register functions to bind.
Contents of “mnuTop_onmenuclick”function to be registered at “onmenuclick” of mnuTop.
function mnuTop_onmenuclick(obj:Menu, e:MenuClickEventInfo) { if ( == "list") { var row = findRow(dsMenu, "id",; var url = dsMenu.getColumn(row, "url"); divMain.url = url; } else if ( == "entry") { var row = findRow(dsMenu, "id",; var url = dsMenu.getColumn(row, "url"); divMain.url = url; } } function findRow(ds, columnName, value) { var count = ds.rowcount; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (ds.getColumn(i, columnName) == value) { return i; } } return -1; }
It is a running form using Execute Form menu of HTML5.
Creating Left Menu
Generate Static above left division (Div). Create 3 more of empty Static with 2 Static with text. Each property is as follows:
Button(Static) | ||
Properties | Value | Description |
id | sttList | Onclick=”divLeft_sttList_onclick” |
text | Customer List Search |
Button (Static) | ||
Properties | Value | Description |
id | sttEntry | Onclick=”divLeft_sttList_onclick” |
text | Customer Detail Search |
Click Static and select “onclick” among event items of “Properties” windows. Register function to bind.
Contents of “divLeft_sttList_onclick” function to be registered at “onclick” of “Customer List Search” static and “Customer Detail Search” Static.
function divLeft_sttList_onclick(obj:Static, e:ClickEventInfo) { if ( == "sttList") { divMain.url = "Base::list.xfdl"; } else if ( == "sttEntry") { divMain.url = "Base::entry.xfdl"; } }
Compiling and Execution
Display of execution of Compile File and QuickView menus in HTML5 menu.