The menu Form is the one to operate the card management system in overall. It acts to connect the Form to the work area through the script.
Making the Form
Select “Making Form. (File > New > Item > Form)
Designate the file name (Name) and the save location (Location) by using the “Create New Form Wizard” window.
Designate Inheritance by using the “Create New Form Wizard” window.
Designate the size (Position) by using the “Create New Form Wizard” window.
Designate the MLM function or not by using the “Create New Form Wizard” window.
Designate the Widget function or not by using the “Create New Form Wizard” window.
When “Making Form” is completed, the Form made at UX-Studio is open.
Composing the Form
Try to prepare the Form which has the function that can make the Form movement through Button.
Making the Button
Select at the component tool bar and make Buttons.
Change the Button properties as follows:
Button | ||
properties | properties | properties |
id | btn_list, btn_entry, btn_init | Id of each button |
text | Person List, Person Entry, init data | Text of each button |
Preparing the Script
It helps the card management system between their Form movements
Making the Person List Event
In order to prepare the script, select the “onclick”button, search the “onclick” event from the event list at the “Properties” window, put the function name to connect to input and press the <Enter> key. Or, by double-clicking the mouse on the blank state, the function name is registered automatically and moves to the script tab of work area. At this time, the function registered automatically is made with “[event name]_[component name] and in case that the function with the same name exists, the input curser moves to the applicable function position of the script tab. When there is not the function with the same name, the function is made at the script and moves to the applicable position.
Preparing the Person List Script
For the function of the Form transition, the “formurl” of the applicable ChildFrame is changed.
The script contents to prepare are as follows:
function btn_list_onclick(obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { mainframe.HFrameSet0.ChildFrame1.formurl = "Base::person_list.xfdl"; }
Making the Person Entry Event
In order to prepare the script, select the “Person Entry”button, search the “onclick” event from the event list at the “Properties” window, put the function name to connect to input and press the <Enter> key. Or, by double-clicking the mouse on the blank state, the function name is registered automatically and moves to the script tab of work area. At this time, the function registered automatically is made with “[event name]_[component name] and in case that the function with the same name exists, the input curser moves to the applicable function position of the script tab. When there is not the function with the same name, the function is made at the script and moves to the applicable position
Preparing the Person Entry Script
For the function of the Form transition, the “formurl” of the applicable ChildFrame is changed. The script contents to prepare are as follows:
function btn_entry_onclick(obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { application.mainframe.HFrameSet0.ChildFrame1.formurl = "Base::person_entry.xfdl"; }
Making the init data Event
In order to prepare the script, select the “init data”button, search the “onclick” event from the event list at the “Properties” window, put the function name to connect to input and press the <Enter> key. Or, by double-clicking the mouse on the blank state, the function name is registered automatically and moves to the script tab of work area. At this time, the function registered automatically is made with “[event name]_[component name] and in case that the function with the same name exists, the input curser moves to the applicable function position of the script tab. When there is not the function with the same name, the function is made at the script and moves to the applicable position
Preparing the init data Script
With the generation of the initial data, the data for the test is generated through the jsp Service. For the function to collect the service, the “transaction” of Application is used. The script contents to prepare as follows:
function btn_init_onclick(obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { var svcURL = "datasvc::initdata.jsp"; transaction("init_data", svcURL, "", "", "", "fn_callBack"); }
For the result handling, the “transaction” of Application uses the callback function. The script contents to prepare as follows: At this time, the function name (fn_callBack) must be the same as the callback argument which is one of the transaction arguments.
function fn_callBack(svcid,strErrCode,strErrMsg) { if (strErrCode != 0) { alert(strErrCode + " : " + strErrMsg); return; } if (svcid == "init_data"){ alert("data has been initialized"); return; } }