In this chapter, you will create a simple app to demonstrate Nexacro Platform's development environment and Nexacro Studio. The app will display the message "Hello, nexacro platform!" When you click the message text, "nexacro platform 17" will be displayed on the alert box.
Starting Nexacro Studio
Start Nexacro Studio by:
Double-clicking the Nexacro Studio icon on your Windows desktop. or
Double-clicking on the Nexacro Studio executable in the installation directory. The default installation path is C:\Program Files\nexacro\17\nexacrostudio17.exe
Immediately after installation, the Nexacro Studio UI displays the following screen without an open project.
Callout | Component | Description |
1 | Project Explorer | List of components for the open project |
2 | Form Design | Place for designing an app screen and editing a script |
3 | Properties | Properties of the Form, component, and Dataset component. You can edit them in this sector. |
4 | Output | List of output messages (such as error messages), generated messages, and messages set up with trace() method |
5 | Error List | Displays errors on a real time basis while the user writes a script |
Creating a Project
Before creating a Nexacro Platform-based app, you must create a project. The project defines how the app will appear and run on the user’s screen. You can create a new project or reuse an existing template project. In this chapter, you will learn how to create a project.
Select the New Project Wizard from the menu:
[Menu] File > New > Project
1 Type the project's name in the "Name" field. 2 Set the location where the file will be saved in the "Location" field.
In this example, the settings will be as follows.
Field | Description | Predetermined value |
1 | Project name | Hello |
2 | Location | [Your desired folder]\Hello |
For the next step, define a screen and specify detailed information of the screen. In this chapter, we are going to use the default values as they are. That is, the screen will be a "Desktop," and the screen details are comprised of the settings that are automatically generated by the wizard
Choose "Full" as a frameset template to create a basic frame structure and Form. You can change the settings related to screens or frames after creating a project. So, click the [Finish] button to complete the creation of the project.
As the project is created, the elements of the project will be displayed in the Project Explorer. In this chapter, you will skip detailed explanations about those elements to get straight to "Creating an App".
The paths explained in this chapter are based on the Windows 10 operating system. The paths may differ depending on the operating system.
The file will be saved automatically to this location if you don't specify an alternative:
C:\Users\[User]\Documents\nexacro\[Install Version]\projects\
Creating an App
Nexacro Platform-based apps run based on Forms. While a project presents the "stage" for an app, you can decorates the stage, arrange movements, and add effect through a Form.
Component Arrangement
Double-click Form_Work, which has been created in the Project Explorer, to open the Form Design panel.
Toolbars on display can vary according to the settings. [View > Toolbars]
The interfaces of Nexacro Studio's menu are divided into a ribbon and command bar. This chapter follows the command bar interface.
Form Area | Description |
1 Project Explorer | List of project objects |
2 Design/Source/Script tabs | Panel for editing design, source code, and scripts for a Form |
3 Properties/Style Property Editor tabs | Panel for modifying the Form properties and styles |
4 Ribbon | Common commands |
Write Letters
You can use Static components to write text in Nexacro Platform-based apps. Click the Static component on the "Objects" toolbar, and then click where you want it placed in the Form Design window. The Static component is displayed in the default size.
Create a Component in a Different Size
You can place a component to the Form Design window in a different size compared to the default. Select the component from the Objects toolbar and then press and drag the left mouse button to the size you want, instead of just clicking the place where you want it to be placed. You can select the component and resize it even after it is placed.
Revise Static Component Text
To revise a static component’s text, select the component in the Form Design window, press the F2 key to switch to edit mode, and make your changes.
To modify a component's properties, select it in the Form Design window, then edit the properties in the Properties window.
If you know the name of the property that you seek, enter it to the 1 input box. Then, the Properties pane will show every item that includes your input text. In this sample, we entered "text."
If you want to edit the text of a component directly in the Form Design pane, first click the component to select it and then click it second with a little interval to activate the edit mode. If you make the two clicks too shortly, it will be considered a double-click, thus leading to the Script pane for editing the onclick event.
디자인 화면에서 Static 컴포넌트를 제외한 영역을 클릭하면 Form이 선택됩니다. 속성창에서 width, height 속성값을 300, 200으로 수정하고 저장합니다.
Generate Path
Nexacro Platform-based apps are not executed directly with the codes written in Nexacro Studio. Those will be converted into JavaScript codes through the process called "generate." Generation is automatically conducted every time a Form is created or saved after change. Otherwise, you can generate a current project manually by accessing the below menu.
Using QuickView for Generation
Access QuickView:
[Menu] Generate > Quick View
실행 옵션을 설정할 수 있는 창이 표시됩니다. 기본 설정으로 [Run] 버튼을 클릭합니다.
Adding Events
Let's create an event that displays an Alert window when the user double-clicks the Static component, "Hello, Nexacro Platform."
Choose the Static component in the Design pane, click the 1[Event] icon on the Properties window, and then double-click the 2 input field of the onclick event.
Double-click the component on the Form Design window to add the onclick event. The event function will be created automatically as soon as the design window switches to the Form Script window, as shown here:
this.Static00_onclick = function(obj:nexacro.Static,e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { };
Declare a task in this function by adding code that displays "Nexacro Platform 14" in the Alert window.
this.alert("nexacro platform 17");
메뉴 [Generate > Quick View]를 선택하고 설정창에서 [Run] 버튼을 클릭해 앱을 실행하고 "Hello, nexacro platform"라는 텍스트 영역을 클릭하면 아래와 같이 경고창이 표시됩니다.
WRE(web runtime environment)에서 앱 실행하기
메뉴 [Generate > Quick View]를 선택하고 설정창에서 Browser 항목에서 실행할 웹브라우저를 선택합니다.
웹브라우저를 선택하면 Run Enviroment 항목이 Local Web Server로 변경됩니다. [Run] 버튼을 클릭합니다.
선택한 웹브라우저(Chrome)이 실행되고 화면이 표시됩니다.
"Hello, nexacro platform"라는 텍스트 영역을 클릭하면 아래와 같이 경고창이 표시됩니다.
이번 장에서는 아래와 같은 내용을 살펴보았습니다.
새로운 프로젝트 만들기
Static 컴포넌트 배치하고 text 속성 수정하기
Form 크기(width, height) 수정하기
만든 화면 NRE에서 실행하기
Staitc 컴포넌트에 마우스 클릭 시 이벤트 처리하는 기능 추가하기
만든 화면 웹브라우저에서 실행하기