
Useful Information

Target audience

Planners, developers,and designers who are unfamiliar with nexacro platform

nexacro studio

For details on nexacro studio installation, composition, and options, refer to the Studio Guide.

nexacro platform programming

For details about nexacro platform application development, refer to the Developer Guide.

nexacro platform distribution

For details on nexacro platform application distribution or execution stages, refer to the Administrator Guide.

Other Development Tools

Web server and other development tools not provided by TOBESOFT will be mentioned here only briefly. For further information, refer to manuals provided by the respective manufacturers.

What You Will Learn

Introduction to nexacro platform

Provides an overview of nexacro platform.

Overview of nexacro studio

Describes the studio development environment and installation.

Hello nexacro platform

Presents the first step in creating a nexacro platform application using nexacro studio.

Test Server Environment Setup

Describes how to set up environment in which nexacro platform applications (not the Runtime version) can be tested. You can skip this if you have an environment already set up.

Creating a Customer List Inquiry Screen

Discusses how to create a screen that manipulates dataset data on a grid.

Creating a Transaction Screen

Covers how to display on the screen after fetching data from the server. It also explains the use of logs on the web browser.

Common Notation

To increase readers' understanding, this user manual contains separate notations for words or sentences with special meanings. The following is an explanation of the notations.

Notes, tips, and cautions are given as follows:

Notes are used to provide brief explanations, references, or comments.

Tips are provided to give helpful advice.

Cautions provide information that demands special attention from readers or users.