Outline of XPLATFORM distribution

To use XPLATFORM Service, XPLATFORM Runtime and developed application programs need to be installed on the user’s device. This installation is distribution, and it automatically works by XPLATFORM engine, using HTTP protocol.

V9.2 alterations

Starting from XPLATFORM V9.2 self set up module for XP Runtime has been added instead of the existing InstallShield. It has been self-made to solve the problem of the existing setup module not being installed properly with Installshield on specific PCs. Instructions are the same as the existing setup module made by Installshield. With this, Install Shield Setup module for execution module distribution is not provided starting from V9.2. However setup for developers including UX-Studio Setup is provided with Install Shield Setup as before.

Phases of distribution

Distribution is performing download with setup and is done largely in three steps.

Distribution flow

Most distribution is performed by XPLATFORM Engine. Then how is XPLATFORM Engine installed on the user’s device? XPLATFORM Engine is usually installed as a CAB file through web browsers. If it does not work on web browsers, exe files are provided separately.

Following is a diagram showing the relationship between distribution server and use device when XPLATFORM Engine is installed as CAB file.

Following explains the above picture.

Phase 1 : XPLATFORM Engine setup

Web Browser installs XPLATFORM Engine using CAB file. To install CAB file (XPLATFORM9_SetupEngine.cab) the HTML web browser first approaches requires the insertion of the following coding.

<TITLE> Plugin sample page </TITLE>
<object id="XPLATFORMAXCtrl" 
classid="clsid:43C5FE00-DD32-4792-83DB-19AE4F88F2A6" CodeBase=",10,4,1">

VERSION number depends on the module VERSION being set up so the value may be different.

Phase 2 : Setting XPLATFORM application program execute environment

XPLATFORM Engine downloads and analyzes ADL file for application program distribution and configuration at first. If you want to run application program A, then you need ADL(extension : xadl) file which has the environment information of application program.

ADL is the abbreviation for Application Definition Language and it is the document that defines the elements needed for application composition. This document defines application model, base screen arrangement, composition of components and objects, theme composition, global variable and global script.

Phase 3: Type definition file loading

XPLATFORM Engine downloads and analyzes type definition file to obtain the information of components and objects application program uses.

ADL has most of application program environment information but components and object information used by application program are saved on type definition file which is a separate file. In ADL file only holds the path of type definition file.

Type definition file is managed automatically by UX-Studio. Type definition file is managed automatically by UX-Studio.

Phase 4 : Components and objects setup

Download and setup components and objects needed in application program. List of targets for setup can be obtained through the type definition file downloaded while the three phases are in process.

Phase 5 : Application program execution

After configuring application program as ADL indicates, XPLATFORM engine downloads and outputs UI screen. User UI information is carried in FDL file and the extension is xfdl. FDL holds the UI screen and UI logic information and is the abbreviation for Form Definition Language

Files for setup

We provide various files needed for XPLATFORM distribution.

Setup files

Following are the main modules included in the XPLATFORM setup file.

Setup file name



(XPLATFORM.exe + library dll + default theme),













License files

Following are the types of license files.

Setup file name


Provides file in XML format.

In the same place as X-API jar file or in classes folder.

Checked when X-API, HTML5 is running.


Provided as a file in XML format.

Placed in route approachable by web.

Sets relevant file route and file name in license url of ADL.

Checked when runtime and widget is running.

Tool License

Provided as a file in Product Key format

Help of UX-Studio – Registered in about UX-Studio.

Functions of main modules

Following are the functions of main modules that are distributed.

Module name

Main function


  • Downloads icon image.

  • Creates shortcuts.

  • Drives XPLATFORM Engine.


  • Drives XPLATFORM Engine on web browser.



  • Distributes components.

  • Distributes ADL, FDL files.

  • Outputs screen UI.

Types of XPLATFORM distribution

Distribution of XPLATFORM is different according to in what form XPLATFORM Runtime is executed.

XPLATFORM Runtime execution form

It is divided into two ways according to how the core part of XPLATFORM Runtime, the engine is run in what form. These are “Execution Version execution” and “Web Browser Plugin Version execution”.

Also, the way of distribution becomes different according to the form in how it is performed.

“Execution Version execution” means running XPLATFORM runtime additionally on window. There are two ways, running by XPLauncher and exe file.

“Web Browser Plug-in Version execution” running XPLATFORM runtime in am embed form on web browser.

The following illustrates the types of execution.

Types of basic distribution

Distribution of XPLATFORM can be divided largely into three distribution types depending on XPLATORM execution forms.

“Plugin distribution”, “XPLauncher distribution”, “exe distribution” are the three types and how they are each used are compared in the chart below.



Web Browser

Plugin distribution

XPLauncher distribution

exe distribution



Web Browser



Setup file












Engine execution



XPLauncher ActiveX


XPLATFORM.exe execution

Usage of shortcut


Create shortcut

Use shortcut

To use shortcuts, you need to use “XPLauncher distribution” type and “exe distribution” type complexly. You can create shortcuts by using XPLauncher way and can execute by clicking on the icon by exe execution way. For further information, please refer to “Shortcut icon distribution

Cache of application program

To use the network effectively rather than the developer downloading the developed application program from the distribution server every time, cache technique is used. This cache technique is registered as a patent by TOBESOFT. So this cache technique can only be used in XPLATFORM and MiPlatform.

Types of cache

The types of cache XPLAFORM support are as the following.

Type of Cache



Does not use cache function.

So receives data from the server every time.

Usually used for dataset related communication.


Only receives when the received file is renewed.

Local cache file is reused in the case of the server’s file not being renewed.

※ If cache level is not specified, default Cache property is applied as Dynamic.


When driving XPLATFORM engine receives only once (if concurs with local cache file then is reused) and only uses local cache files until the related engine is shut down.


To the files received from the server at least once, only uses local cache regardless of the reuse of XPLATFORM engine. So, in the case wanting re-receiving, you can only do so by upgrading the version.

XPLATFORM saves local cache file that’s been used at least once in its memory. Using memory has the advantage of times of approaching decreasing cache file, but has the disadvantage of the process size becoming large. However, as the memory use has structure information, it shortens time for parsing phase, increasing the running speed.

Cache application method

Cache method supported by XPLATFORM can only be applied to the developed application program of the developer. In other words, components and objects are automatically managed by XPLATFORM. Cache function setting can be done through UX-Studio, and is saved in type definition file.

Following is the type definition editor screen of UX-Studio.

XPLATFORM Engine version administration

Most of distribution is directed by XPLATFORM engine. It was explained previously that XPLATFORM engine is usually distributed through web browser. Then, how do you distribute when the engine of XPLATFORM has been upgraded? XPLATFORM engine upgrades by itself.

XPLATFORM Engine upgrade information registration

At the stage where XPLTFORM engine loads ADL file and sets application program running environment, decide on upgrading and perform. In other words, the ADL files have the upgrade information on engine.

Following is registering upgrade information in the ADL property screen of UX-Studio.

Following describes in details each category.

Property name



It is the product key of setup file.

When using XPLATFORM engine you do not enter in any value. However, when the developer is writing a separate setup file the product key of the particular setup file is entered in.


Route to the server url with an existing setup file.


Version of setup file.


Designates the route of license file.

In exercise in Phase 1 : XPLATFORM Engine setup the following HTML information is shown. You can understand more easily if you match the object information used here with ADL property.

Executing XPLATFORM Engine upgrade

As shown in XPLATFORM Engine upgrade information registration, after inputting ADL property value with UX-Studio and then uploading ADL file on distribution server, XPLATFORM engine will upgrade after comparing the engine url and engine version value in this ADL file with the XPLATFORM engine that’s already installed. The version of the already installed engine can be checked in ‘Settings/Add or remove program’.

In the case of upgrading XPLATFORM engine, XPLATFORM engine will be rerun.