Combo Basic
This component is used to select one value among many values. Below is the explanation how to implement the combo
Way to create combo Data
We can represent data as list in combo using DataSet.
Way of using Component Editor
We can create data in combo without using DataSet, we can Component Editor to create data in Combo.
Combo innerdataset part you see in the Properties window you can select the data set in the combo button and the "..." button.
We can see innerdataset from properties window of Combo, select innerdataset, there is combo button and "…" button.
After choosing the "…" button the following screen will appear.
Using the above data sets, such as adding a row to add a row below the value assigned.
On adding row in the component editor window is same as using the DataSet. After adding the rows it will appear in the window.
After click on OK button, we can use Component Editor like DataSet binding.
Generating data in combo by DataSet using innerDataSet, it makes flexible to change the development environment.
DataSet Binding
Combo can be represented by binding with DataSet.
Full item list will be display without searching
It shows text strings on List window by searching text strings close to input text string.
It shows items on List window by filtering according to input text strings. If there is no same text string, List window doesn't open.
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Multi Combo
Creating Multi Combo using Popup Div
Combo component is basically used datacolumn and codecolumn to represent the Combo, But it is difficult to represent more than two datacolumn's information.
We solve this problem by using PopupDiv and Multi Component we can create like Multi Combo.
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/* * File Name : Combo_MultiCombo * Description : Creating Multi-Combo using Popup Div */ /* Button Click */ this.btn_execute_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var nX = system.screenToClientX(this, system.clientToScreenX(obj,16)) - this.pdiv_input.width; var nY = system.screenToClientY(this, system.clientToScreenY(obj, 30)); this.pdiv_input.trackPopup(nX+12, nY); // Expending ComboBox } /* Button Click */ this.pdiv_input_grd_input_oncellclick = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.GridClickEventInfo) { this.pdiv_input.closePopup(); this.edt_output0.set_value(this.ds_data.getColumn(e.row, "COL0")); this.edt_output1.set_value(this.ds_data.getColumn(e.row, "COL1")); }
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Case Insensitive filtering for Combo
By using filter method of Combo, several list values can be handled. We can implement case insensitive filter.
Related Method
This method shows only the record which satisfies the search condition from DataSet.
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/* * File Name : Combo_FilterNoLetter * Description : Case Insensitive filtering for Combo */ this.btn_execute_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var nRow = this.ds_data.rowcount; var sData; this.ds_data.addColumn("COL2", "STRING", 255); for (var i = 0; i < nRow; i++) { sData = this.ds_data.getColumn(i, "COL1").toString().toUpperCase(); this.ds_data.setColumn(i, "COL2", sData); } var sFilter = "COL2.toString().indexOf('" + this.edt_input.value.toUpperCase() + "') >= 0"; this.ds_data.filter(sFilter); }
While using filter a separate column is created, this converts all characters to Upper case before processing filter.
Combo, filter
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