Verifying column information of DataSet
This describes how to verify the DataSet column's information and how to change column type.
DataSet can get name, size and type information by using the getColumnInfo.
Verifying DataSet Information
this.Button00_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { var strText = new String(); for (var i = 0; i < this.Dataset00.getColCount(); i++) { var objColInfo = this.Dataset00.getColumnInfo(i); strText += "ID = " +; strText += " SIZE = " + objColInfo.size; strText += " type = " + objColInfo.type; strText += "\n"; } this.TextArea00.set_value(strText); }
DataSet column information changing
this.Button01_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { var objColInfo = this.Dataset00.getColumnInfo(2); objColInfo.set_type("INT"); }
Changing column information by using script is not recommended. We recommend you to configure DataSet by using XPLATFORMs’ service.
Verifying Changed Column Information
this.Button02_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { var strText = new String(); for (var i = 0; i < this.Dataset00.getColCount(); i++) { var objColInfo = this.Dataset00.getColumnInfo(i); strText += "ID = " +; strText += " SIZE = " + objColInfo.size; strText += " type = " + objColInfo.type; strText += "\n"; } this.TextArea00.set_value(this.TextArea00.value + strText); }
Can we change DataSet column type by using Script?
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It explanation is about how to implements sum of DataSet columns.
Implementation Expr
Int type and Float type can implement getSum directly without conversion.
If the type of the column is String then we convert it into Int or float before applying getSum method, after converting into Int or Float we can express the sum of the column.
Location of SummaryBand can be expressed on top on grid by changing Properties of grid.
default : SummaryBand is expressed on bottom, RightBand is expressed on right.
top : SummaryBand is expressed on top, RightBand is expressed on right.
Source Location
Using filter implementing like search criteria
After input employee name we can implement %Like%, like% and = different search criteria.
Related Method
This method is used to show the records from Dataset records by satisfied conditions.
% Like% implementation
It will implement the % front and back side of input value of employ and search all the values matching to these criteria.
this.Button00_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { this.ds_data.filter("String(employ).substr(0," + this.ed_name.value.length + ").indexOf('" + this.ed_name.value + "') >= 0"); }
Like% implementation
It implements the search criteria by adding % value at the end of empoy.
this.Button02_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { this.ds_Employ.filter("String(employ).indexOf('" + this.ed_name.value + "') >= 0"); }
= implementation
If you wish to search the exact matching values to employ, this returns the exact matching values the search criteria.
this.btn_search_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { this.ds_data.filter("employ=='" + this.ed_name.value + "'"); }
I want to know how to implement search by using Like.
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Removing duplicate data using by Filter
This describes the way to remove the duplicate row in searched data.
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Basic Filter content
this.Button02_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var sExpr = "rowidx==dataset.findRowExpr(\"code=='\" + code + \"'\")"; this.Dataset00.filter(sExpr); }
rowidx means the row index of Dataset.
Setting Filter on several column using function made by user
this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.gf_distincDsFilter(this.Dataset00, "code,name"); }
this.gf_distincDsFilter = function(objDs, sColID) { var arrArgs = this.gf_Trim(sColID).split(","); var sFilterExpr = ""; var sFindRowExpr = ""; for (var i=0; i<arrArgs.length; i++) { if (objDs.getColumnInfo(arrArgs[i]) == null) continue; sFindRowExpr += (this.gf_IsNull(sFindRowExpr) == false) ? " && " : ""; sFindRowExpr += "" + arrArgs[i] + "=='\" + " + arrArgs[i] + " + \"'"; } if (this.gf_IsNull(sFindRowExpr) == false) { sFilterExpr = "rowidx==dataset.findRowExpr(\"" + sFindRowExpr + "\")"; } objDs.filter(sFilterExpr); }
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Searching multiple column using findRow Expr
You can search multiple column using findRowExpr method provided Dataset.
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this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var nRow = this.ds_data.findRowExpr("department.toString().indexOf('" + this.ed_department.value.replace("'","\\'") + "')>=0&&employee.toString().indexOf('" + this.ed_employee.value.replace("'","\\'") + "')>=0"); if(nRow >= 0) { this.ds_data.set_rowposition(nRow); } else { this.alert("There is no matched conditions."); return; } }
this.ed_department.value.replace("'","\\'") this condition part is needed to handle the value including single quote(') in real data.
Source Location
Event controlling by using enableevent property
When we are working with large amount of data on screen using DataSet, we may have experience Flicker problem. To prevent this Flicker problem we can control it by using enableevent property, this property handles flicker problem.
Related Method
By following the enableevent property of DataSet, we can run/stop the events occurring from the DataSet.
This event is occurred when we change rowposition property of DataSet.
Main source content
this.btn_execute0_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.ds_data.set_enableevent(false); this.ds_data.addRow(); this.ds_data.set_enableevent(true); }
After setting enableevent false, it is necessary to set it true.
If you don't set true after false, the event may not work properly.
Source Location
Verifying the original buffer content of DataSet
If any record in Dataset is modified or deleted, original buffer contains the original values before modification or deletion.
Using getRowType and getOrgColumn methods we can verify the state and content of data from original buffer.
Related Method
The following Dataset methods are using to obtain the state of the specified record. 1: The original record state 2: Added record state 4: Modified record state 8: Deleted record state
This method is used to get specified column's value before changing the record.
This method is used to get deleted number of record from Dataset.
This method is used to get column's value of deleted record.
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/* * File Name : Comp_Dataset_RowType * Discription : Verifying the recorded Original buffer content and RowType of Dataset */ this.btn_execute0_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.ds_data.deleteRow(this.ds_data.rowposition); } this.btn_execute1_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.ds_org.addColumn("COL_TYPE", "STRING"); for (var i = 0; i < this.ds_data.colcount; i++) { this.ds_org.addColumn(this.ds_data.getColID(i), "STRING"); } this.fn_orgDataset(); } /* * Function Name : fn_orgDataset * Description : Verifying recorded OriginBuffer * Parameter : * Return : * Example : fn_orgDataset(); */ this.fn_orgDataset = function() { var sOrgCol = ""; var sOrgVal = ""; this.ds_org.clearData(); // Modifying content for (var i = 0; i < this.ds_data.rowcount; i++) { var nRowType = this.ds_data.getRowType(i); if (nRowType == 4) { this.ds_org.addRow(); this.ds_org.setColumn(this.ds_org.rowposition, "COL_TYPE", nRowType); for (var j = 0; j < this.ds_data.colcount; j++) { sOrgCol = this.ds_data.getColID(j); sOrgVal = this.ds_data.getOrgColumn(i, sOrgCol); this.ds_org.setColumn(this.ds_org.rowposition, sOrgCol, sOrgVal); } } } // Modifying content for (var i = 0; i < this.ds_data.getDeletedRowCount(); i++) { this.ds_org.addRow(); this.ds_org.setColumn(this.ds_org.rowposition, "COL_TYPE", 8); for (var j = 0; j < this.ds_data.colcount; j++) { sOrgCol = this.ds_data.getColID(j); sOrgVal = this.ds_data.getDeletedColumn(i, sOrgCol); this.ds_org.setColumn(this.ds_org.rowposition, sOrgCol, sOrgVal); } } this.grd_output.createFormat(); }
Can we verify rowType and originalBuffer information?
Source Location
By using Script Creating GlobalDataSet, LocalDataSet
Using new operator we can create DataSet Dynamically on the global zone and form.
The main source content
/* * File Name : Comp_Dataset_UseScript * Description : By using Script Creating GlobalDataSet, LocalDataSet */ /* Button Click */ this.btn_execute_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var objGdS = new Dataset; application.addVariable("gds_data", objGdS, "global"); application.gds_data.set_name("gds_data"); application.gds_data.addColumn("COL0","String"); application.gds_data.addColumn("COL1","String"); application.gds_data.addRow(); application.gds_data.setColumn(application.gds_data.rowposition,"COL0","global COL0"); application.gds_data.setColumn(application.gds_data.rowposition,"COL1","global COL1"); this.grd_output0.set_binddataset("gds_data"); this.grd_output0.createFormat(); var objLdS = new Dataset; objLdS.set_name("ds_data"); this.addChild("ds_data", objLdS); this.ds_data.addColumn("COL0","String"); this.ds_data.addColumn("COL1","String"); this.ds_data.addRow(); this.ds_data.setColumn(this.ds_data.rowposition,"COL0","1"); this.ds_data.setColumn(this.ds_data.rowposition,"COL1","first"); this.ds_data.addRow(); this.ds_data.setColumn(this.ds_data.rowposition,"COL0","2"); this.ds_data.setColumn(this.ds_data.rowposition,"COL1","second"); this.grd_output1.set_binddataset("ds_data"); this.grd_output1.createFormat(); this.Edit00.set_value('global dataset count : ' + application.all["gds_data"].rowcount); this.Edit01.set_value('local dataset count : ' + this.all["ds_data"].rowcount); }
Reference Details
Global DataSet can be used at any position in application, but it can be accessed in the memory until the application termination so depending on the application we must decide the location to use
Can we create Global DataSet dynamically?
Want to know DataSet creation by using Script?
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Reverting the Changed column information to original value
After modifying the retrieved data, we can revert to original data
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/* * File Name : Dataset_ChangeRowtype1 * Description : Selected record in the DataSet return to the original value */ /* set rowtype */ this.btn_execute_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var iRowCount = this.ds_data.getRowCount(); var iColCount = this.ds_data.getColCount(); for (var i = 0; i < iRowCount; i++) { if (this.ds_data.getColumn(i, "COL0") == 1 && this.ds_data.getRowType(i) != "1") { for (var j = 0; j < iColCount; j++) { if (this.ds_data.getColumn(i, j) != this.ds_data.getOrgColumn(i, j)) { this.ds_data.setColumn(i, j, this.ds_data.getOrgColumn(i, j)); } } this.ds_data.setColumn(i, "COL0", 1); this.ds_data.set_updatecontrol(false); this.ds_data.setRowType(i,Dataset.ROWTYPE_NORMAL); this.ds_data.set_updatecontrol(true); } } }
setRowType, updatecontrol, getRowType
Source Location
Converting changed rowtype to normal
If rowType changes in DataSet due to selecting checkbox on the grid, rowType can be changed to normal
If we don't want to send modified rowtype, we can changed it to normal so we can prevent sending data to server side.
The main source of information
this.btn_execute_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { 중략... if (bChkFlag == true && nChkCnt == 1) { this.ds_data.setRowType(i, Dataset.ROWTYPE_NORMAL); } } } this.ds_data.set_updatecontrol(true); this.ds_data.set_enableevent(true); }
Is it possible to change the rowType by script which is modified in DataSet,?
setRowType, updatecontrol
Source Location
Determine whether the DataSet is updated
Using getRowType method of DataSet we can determine the modifications.
Related Method
This attribute is used to set whether the rowType should be changed automatically or not. If we changed updatecontrol attribute to false, we can change rowType by using setRowType method.
This method is used to obtain the number of rows that have been deleted from Dataset.
We can get rowType of Dataset. For rowType reference nexacro studio Help(Appendix>Constant>Dataset>Row Type)
The main source of information
this.fn_isUpdate = function(objDs) { var bRtn = false; if (objDs.updatecontrol) { if (objDs.getDeletedRowCount() > 0) { bRtn = true return bRtn; } } var nRowType; for (var i = 0; i < objDs.getRowCount(); i++) { nRowType = objDs.getRowType(i); if (nRowType == 2 || nRowType == 4 || nRowType == 8) { bRtn = true; break; } } return bRtn; }
Update, rowType, Updatecontrol
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