Using Grid component creating tree format
Using edittyp, displaytype=tree on Grid, we can represent DataSet content into tree format
Data structure for configuring Tree
If we want to represent the tree, we should have label and level column in Dataset.
In order to represent to Tree structure, Dataset structure should be created to Tree Structure.
Setting displaytype and edittype in Grid's cell
In order to set Tree structure on the Grid, cell property should be changed like below. displaytype= tree edittype = tree
Specifying the column to show the Tree Item
Specifying the level of the tree
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Setting TextColor depending on level
We can specify different Text Colors on tree depending on the level.
Setting level's color by using expr on cell's color property
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Property of image to be used on Tree
Tree Image_0
This property is used to set image on tree cell of tree leaf. In the case if there is no node, then image will be set on the row.
This property is used to show image when tree is collapsed, shrink the size of the tree. In other words this shows the image on open [+] button on tree cell.
This property is used to show image on tree cell when the tree is expanded, the image is shown on the tree cell's close [-] button.
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Way of applying specific image on the Tree
This explains how to set image on tree.
Theme image
This is the way to use images including on declared theme on ADL, after selecting Theme which is used in Tool, we can see the images list.
Setting Grid Cell
Web Image
This is the way to use image on the web. We should enter the URL path for calling web. We can set on the Grid cell like below.
Local Image
We can use local images using prefix after setting the local path. We can specify Prefix by double click on TypeDefinition then we can specify the prefix in the services tab.
Setting TypeDefinition
Setting Grid Cell (prefix name::image name)
Global Image
We can set the image on GlobalVariable's Image Tag. This is the way to add image on GlobalVariables. Right click mouse on GlobalVariables> Insert GlobalVariables Item> Image dialog window pops up, select the image and then click the Open button, then the Image will be added.
Setting image name on Grid Cell
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Spacing by level
Using Padding property of Tree, we can manage space on different levels.
Setting padding using expr
Below is the code content for padding
this.fn_getlvl = function(lvl){ if(lvl==2) return '0 0 0 50'; }
return order (Top Right Bottom Left)
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Editing Tree text column
If you are using a Grid as a tree of cells commonly used by binding edit, the binding component is used for the input. In case of we want direct editing on the Grid, we can implement after changing edittype property.
Setting editautoselect cell property
If we want to select whole data when editing the Grid cell, we should make editautoselect property true from Grid Content Editor.
Main Source Content
this.grd_output_onselectchanged = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.GridSelectEventInfo) { this.grd_output.setCellProperty( "Body", 0, "edittype", "tree"); } this.grd_output_oncelldblclick = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.GridClickEventInfo) { if (e.col == 0) { this.grd_output.setCellProperty( "Body", 0, "edittype", "normal"); } }
When we double click on Tree Label's cell, edittype need to be changed to normal, after changing the column value. We need to change edittype to Tree structure again like above coding.
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