Edit Basic
Edit is used to enter value by user Edit is used to show output data Edit can be used for password type string and we can fix the length of the edit field Edit can bind to dataset
Way to bind Edit box to Grid
Edit can be bind to DataSet by binding property Edit can be bind to DataSet column to edit box. When selected row of the grid is changed, input box value will also changed
Binding edit component to dataset
♦ Work Flow 1) Select the exit box which you want to bind 2) Right click on the mouse, choose bind dataset option and choose the dataset to bind. 3) After selecting dataset, open Bind Item window and map the property of Column ID to dataset property After following all the above steps, we can see DataSet binding result.
autoselect property is automatically selected the input/output values when we focus on it. autoselect property having field’s input/output values color becomes highlighted blue color when we focus the edit field. When mouse is clicked on the Edit field value of the field becomes highlight.
Highlighting color can be defined in theme files.
autoskip is used to move focus automatically to next component following tab order when we enter the value up to maximum length. The order of the autoskip field based on the tab order of the component.
password field is used to show the input and output values as “*” format The default password property is false After setting password type property true the password format, then password format will be expressed. All characters is shown string format with ‘*” like “*****”
Can we hide the values of Edit component?
maxlength is used to set maximum size that is able to enter in the edit component.
This property is used for maxlength unit to check the length of the string. Different languages characters have different size depending on lengthunit.
Example utf16: Every single character has 1 byte utf8: Every single character of English has 1 byte remaining others can have 2~5 bytes ascii: Every single character of English has 1 byte and Korean language characters has 2 bytes
padding(Left Margin)
This attribute is used to set position arguments of the Edit Components. This attribute has four position arguments top, right, bottom and left. Default value of attribute position is 0.
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Edit value apply immediately to the DataSet
After binding the component with the DataSet, when we change focus from the component, the value is reflected to dataset immediately. By using updateToDataset method the changed value will be applied immediately to DataSet without changing the focus.
The main source content
this.Comp_Edit_Edit_Update_onkeyup = function(obj:Form, e:nexacro.KeyEventInfo) { if (e.shiftKey == true && e.keycode == 83) { var objFocus = this.getFocus(); if (objFocus.name == 'edt_input') { this.edt_input.updateToDataset(); } } }
Example) As above source, if we edit the value in input component using shiftkey+s, the value will be immediately reflected in the DataSet. This way is applied to all components.
Reference Details
If you have bind Dataset with edit component, modified value will be reflected to dataset immediately. It is available in most of components.
Is there any way to reflect the input values to DataSet immediately without changing focus ?
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Selecting Data using PopupDiv
We can input data by keyboard to the edit box, but we can also input data by Popup. After selecting code from popup, the value of the code and value will be inserted.
Main Source Code
this.popup_div = function(obj) { var nX = system.screenToClientX(this, system.clientToScreenX(obj,16)) - this.PopupDiv01.width/2; var nY = system.screenToClientY(this, system.clientToScreenY(obj, 30)); this.PopupDiv01.trackPopup(nX, nY, null, null, "popup_call_back"); }
Popup screen location can be adjusted depending on customer development environment.
I want to know the way to enter data in Edit Box by popup.
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MaskEdit Basic
This mask edit is used to show input and output values in fixed standard format. We can use the MaskEdit property to show Social Security Number, Telephone Number and other useful information as regular expression format. This format does not show original output values rather it shows values as expressed format like “AA--”.
Ways to bind the mask edit field to the Grid
MaskEdit can be bind to the grid by bind property of dataset
There are the following steps to bind a edit field to dataset
♦ Work Flow 1) Select the MaskEdit component for binding 2) Right click on the mouse, open the dataset options and select dataset for binding 3) Open bind item window, map MaskEdit component property Column ID to desired column When we finished the above settings we can see the result.
Use of MaskEdit Property
This property is used to specify input and output into defined expression format. After choosing MaskEdit from property window, mask expression set format.
Mask Expression
Mask property can be expressed in several of formats. Expression example “AA-###” in this example the expression is used to show first two values as characters then hyphen and remaining as number.
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Processing input values in MaskEdit without - (Negative) values
Using MaskEdit we can protect to enter Negative (-) values.
Setting mask
Related Properties
This property specifies the type of the receiving input in the MaskEdit. According to different type specifying the format is different according to type property, in case of positive number Type '+' is used , and in case of negative values we can use '-'. Symbol. +: This symbol is used for positive values only -: This symbol is used for negative values only
mask, positive, negative
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Using MaskEdit processing social security number in password format
Using MaskEdit we can process the last 7 digits of Social Security Number into password type.
mask attribute '{}' means
Using the MaskEdit if we want to convert character into * format we put the characters inside {}. All characters inside '{}' will be changed into '*' format using MaskEdit property.
MaskEdit, mask
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