Interlocking Google Maps
This explains about a way of interlocking of GoogleMap in nexacro platform.
Google Maps needs license.
(According to service type in client company, License may need. Please use GoogleMap after making sure the license.)
You need to define the Map in TypeDefinition to use the Map.
Web browser mode (html5)
Main Source Content
//Map Coordinate this.fs_srcLatitude = "37.576683"; this.fs_srcLongitude = "127.025591"; this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.Map00.load(false, this.fs_srcLatitude, this.fs_srcLongitude); } //Handling Marker after loading the Map completely this.Map00_onload = function(obj:Map, e:nexacro.MapEventInfo) { var obj_mapmarker = new nexacro.MapMarker(); obj_mapmarker.location.set_latitude(this.fs_srcLatitude); obj_mapmarker.location.set_longitude(this.fs_srcLongitude); obj_mapmarker.set_text("Current position"); obj_mapmarker.set_visible(true); var tempMapMarker = this.Map00.addItem("MapMarker", obj_mapmarker); }
This sample is available to use in Web browser (html5) environment.
Source Location
Is it possible to interlock the Google Maps?
nexacro browser/Web browser mode(runtime/html5)
It is dificult to use Map component directly on nexacro browser mode. Program based on C++ needs Google Map key to use. Let's find out a way to use Google Maps on nexacro browser mode and Web browser mode(runtime/html5)
This way calls HTML source using WebBrowser component. So source work related to MAP needs HTML work.
We added document.title = "load"; source to communicate data to nexacro platform.
When document.title of HTML is changed, onusernotify event of WebBrowser component in nexacro platform is called.
Main Source Content
Nexacro platform source
this.fs_srcLatitude = "42.485374"; this.fs_srcLongitude = "-71.212316"; this.GoogleMap_onload = function(obj:Form, e:nexacro.LoadEventInfo) { this.WebBrowser00.set_url("http://localhost:8080/nexacro/nexacro/Sample/Etc/GoogleMap.html"); } this.WebBrowser00_onloadcompleted = function(obj:WebBrowser, e:nexacro.WebLoadCompEventInfo) { this.WebBrowser00.callMethod("initialize", this.fs_srcLatitude , this.fs_srcLongitude); } this.WebBrowser00_onusernotify = function(obj:WebBrowser, e:nexacro.WebTitleChangeEventInfo) { if(e.userdata == "load") { this.WebBrowser00.callMethod("set_marker", this.fs_srcLatitude , this.fs_srcLongitude); } }
HTML Source related to GoogleMap
<!-- GoogoleMap Asynchronously Loading the API ********************************************* --> <HTML> <HEAD> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" > if (! window.NEXACROHTML) { window.NEXACROHTML = {}; } window.NEXACROHTML.FireUserNotify = function(userdata) { if (window.NEXACROWEBBROWSER) { window.NEXACROWEBBROWSER.on_fire_onusernotify(window.NEXACROWEBBROWSER, userdata); } else { window.document.title = userdata; } } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var map ; function initialize(a,b) { var mapLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(a, b); // Latitude and Longitude to be located at center in the map var mapOptions = { center: mapLocation, // Latitude and Longitude (Variable) to be located at center in the map zoom: 18, // The map zoom phase mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), // id: map-canvas, This has to be the same as id of div tag in body. mapOptions); window.NEXACROHTML.FireUserNotify("load"); } function set_marker(a, b ){ var markLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(a, b); // Latitude and Longitude where marker to locate var size_x = 60; // Width of image to be used as maker var size_y = 60; // Length of image to be used as maker // Image address to be used as maker var image = new google.maps.MarkerImage( '', new google.maps.Size(size_x, size_y), '', '', new google.maps.Size(size_x, size_y)); var marker; marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: markLocation, // Latitude and Longitude (Variable) where maker to locate map: map, icon: image, // Image(Variable) to be used as maker //info: 'Content to be in speech bubble', title: '서대전네거리역이지롱~' // Title when mouse's point moves to maker }); var content = "투비소프트"; // Content to be in speech bubble // Event when marker is clicked. var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: content}); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function() {,marker); }); } </script> </HEAD> <BODY > <div id="map-canvas" style="width: 100%; height: 400px"></div> </BODY> </HTML>
Source Location
Sample\Application_Etc\np_GoogleMap2.xfdl Sample\Application_Etc\GoogleMap.html