Handling Basic Sort
Main Source Content
this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.Dataset00.set_keystring("S:+Group"); //Group Ascending } this.Button01_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.Dataset00.set_keystring("S:-Group"); //Group Descending } this.Button02_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.Dataset00.set_keystring("S:+Group+Department"); //Group,Department Ascending } this.Button03_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.Dataset00.set_keystring("S:-Group-Department"); //Group,Department Descending } this.Button04_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.Dataset00.set_keystring("S:+Group+Department+Name"); //Group,Department,Name Ascending } this.Button05_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.Dataset00.set_keystring("S:-Group-Department-Name"); //Group,Department,Name Descending }
By using sort on keystring of Dataset, We can describe how to get the sort result.
Source Location
Implementing Sort by using Grid Header Event
Reference Details
Keystring method is used to set sorting on the particular column of DataSet.
getCellText, getCellValue
getCellText method get data on the Grid, it may be processed data by expr. (For example we specify mask format or process values by expr, it includes the result values.) getCellValue method get original values from DataSet. (For example we are using Mask format and expr, getCellValue get values from bind DataSet)
getFormatColProperty, getCellProperty, getBandProperty
When bring Grid cell's property, this is method is used to properties of different areas.
getFormatColProperty is used to show column's information, getCellProperty is used for Cell's information and getBandProperty is used for showing band information.
The main source
/* * File Name : Comp_Grid_Row_Sort * Description : Implementing Sorting in Grid */ /* onheaddblclick */ this.grd_output_onheaddblclick = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.GridClickEventInfo) { var objDs = this.objects[obj.binddataset]; for (var i = 0; i < obj.getCellCount("head"); i++) { var sHeadText = obj.getCellText(-1, i); var nLen = sHeadText.length - 1; if (i == e.cell) { var sColId = (obj.getCellProperty("body", e.col,"text")).toString().split(":"); if (sHeadText.substr(nLen) == "▲") { obj.setCellProperty( "head", i, "text", sHeadText.substr(0, nLen)+ "▼"); objDs.set_keystring("S:-" + sColId[1]); } else if (sHeadText.substr(nLen) == "▼") { obj.setCellProperty( "head", i, "text", sHeadText.substr(0, nLen)+ "▲"); objDs.set_keystring("S:+" + sColId[1]); } else { obj.setCellProperty( "head", i, "text", sHeadText+"▲"); objDs.set_keystring("S:+" + sColId[1]); } } else { if (sHeadText.substr(nLen) == "▲" || sHeadText.substr(nLen) == "▼") { obj.setCellProperty( "head", i, "text", sHeadText.substr(0, nLen)); } } } }
Sort, keystring
Source Location
Using getRowType we can know the specific changes in the Grid, we can check whether the specific row is modified or not.
We can check status of each row in the grid.
Description about Type is below 0: EMPTY 1: NORMAL 2: INSERT 4: UPDATE 8: DELETE 20: GROUP
How to verify the modified RowType?
Source Location
Row Number
Expressing serial number using currow
The front column of main screen of grid can represent serial numbers fetched from Database but these serial numbers can also be generated by the expression.
Setting currow by using expression
We can set desired serial number by using the expression expr 'currow + 1' in cell The serial number is represented by a cell in the grid.
In expr we add 1 to the current value because default value currow starts from 0 and user wants to show value starting from 1. This way of expression varies according to need of representing values.
Without using the Database on the grid, can we show the increasing serial numbers?
Source Location
This is used to show the text in the Grid Cell, when the mouse over on the Cell. When contents in the cell is out of cell's size, by using ToolTipText property it shows full text on mouse over on the cell.
How to specify specific ToolTipText Cell
If we want to express ToolTipText on any specific cell then, it is possible to show Grid Cell's text by using DataSet binding. If we take over mouse on the binding column's text is appeared as ToolTipText expression.
We can set ToolTipText property on mouse onmousemove event on grid but this method is not recommended because it affect the performance rate a lot.
By using ToolTipText property we can show long content on the Grid's cell when mouse is over on the cell.
If we took over mouse on grid's cell, can we express the content of cell by using ToolTipText?
If expressed cell's content is much more we can also represent properly.
Source Location
If there are many columns in the grid scrollbar is automatically appeared. When we move the scrollbar grid columns are also moved. The cell movement can be fixed by using band property. When scroll is appeared these cells are fixed only remaining cells are moving.
Setting to use Grid Contents Editor
By setting the band attribute of Position property, which is property of col. We can fix the cell, so the scrollbar moves this column will not move.
If you want to set the specific column location by band. Then column in front of this column band should also be fixed.
Example) If you want to set band on col 1 then band in front of the column col 0 is required. If we wants to fix more than one consecutive columns one time. There are two ways to fix these columns first press shift and click mouse on the column up to where you want to fix the columns. The second way is choose the column by pressing the control key, and choose the column up to where you want to fix.
Ways to use setFormatColProperty
By using the script we can freeze the desired column.
this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { //Note Cell's index is starting form 0 //setFormatColProperty method to set Property values for each Column of Format Columns which is currently set in Grid this.Grid01.setFormatColProperty(1, "band", "left"); this.Grid01.setFormatColProperty(8, "band", "right"); }
By clicking bend setting button we can confirm that the set values.
More Details
We can not fix the middle cell.
If merged cell has already exists , bend property can not be used in merged area.
When we setting band the following message is displayed.
Is this grid can be fixed to a particular column?
Source Location
Fixing the column when click on the merged header of Grid
From runtime display, user can fix the column. When we click header, by using setFormatColProperty, we can fix the column.
Source Code
/* * File Name : Cell_HeaderClickFix * Description : Fix the column when click on the merged header of Grid */ /* Header Click */ this.grd_output_onheadclick = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.GridClickEventInfo) { var iCnt=0; // this.alert("inside the method !"); for (var j = e.cell; j >= 0; j--) { var iColCur = this.grd_output.getCellProperty("Head", j, "col"); var iCell = e.cell; for (var i = iCell; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.grd_output.getCellProperty("Head", i, "row") == 0 && iColCur == this.grd_output.getCellProperty("Head", i, "col")) { //this.alert("Hi "); if (iCnt==0) { var iCol = this.grd_output.getCellProperty("Head", i, "col"); var iSpan = this.grd_output.getCellProperty("Head", i, "colspan")-1; var iTotCol = iCol + iSpan; //this.alert(" this is alert "); for (var k = 0; k <= iTotCol; k++) { this.grd_output.setFormatColProperty(k, "band", "left"); //this.alert("Hi 3333"); } } iCnt++; } } } }
Related Method
This method is used to change the property value of currently set column
setFormatColProperty, fix
Source Location
Here is description of paging processing techniques using Grid.
We recommend to use search condition, we should develop the code to reduce the search data.
Large data can cause lack of memory and slow processing.
Paging processing using filter
The data shown on the Grid can be represented by paging.(source implementation is necessary)
In general case processing data on web page and data processing using paging if data changes, server data is re-searched again. We can reduce number of calls by using filter, that way only one time search is needed.
In that way number of calls to server can be reduced, but first time search may bring lots of data so it can be more loaded on the server.
This sample is not created by service calling (Data Call), it is created by script.
Main source content
this.fn_retrieve = function() { var nStrat = parseInt((this.fv_nNowPage - 1) / this.fv_nPageScale) * (this.fv_nPageScale * this.fv_nPageSize) + 1; var nEnd = parseInt((this.fv_nNowPage - 1) / this.fv_nPageScale) * (this.fv_nPageScale * this.fv_nPageSize) + (this.fv_nPageScale * this.fv_nPageSize); this.ds_data0.filter("COL0 >= " + nStrat + " && COL0 <= " + nEnd); this.fn_makePage(); this.fn_Paging(); } this.fn_Paging = function() { this.fv_nEnd = this.fv_nNowPage * this.fv_nPageSize; this.fv_nStart = this.fv_nEnd - this.fv_nPageSize + 1; this.ds_data1.copyData(this.ds_data0, true); this.ds_data1.filter("COL0 >= " + this.fv_nStart + " && COL0 <= " + this.fv_nEnd); }
Related method
This method shows the record from the Dataset which satisfy the condition.
Paging, filter
Source Location
Paging processing using onscroll event of Grid
Data represented in the Grid does not contain whole data if records are more than size of grid, a scroll is appeared on the Grid, if we move scroll down, remaining data will be searched by paging.
Main source content
/* onvscroll */ this.grd_output_onvscroll = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.ScrollEventInfo) { if ((e.type == "lastover") || (e.type == "tracklastover") || (e.type == "wheellastover") || (e.type == "selectlastover")) { if (this.fv_bNext) { this.fn_retrieve(true); } } }
After communicating with server we bring the maximum number of records. Maximum number of records is 10, if current page is page 1, then 1-10 records will be fetched from server. Fetched data is added to bind Dataset with Grid.
This example expressed communication using filter.
Reference Details
This contains different kinds of type on onvscroll event.
We can also see Help (Objects Reference>EventInfo Objects>ScrollEventInfo>) on nexacro studio.
paging ,filter, onvscroll
Source Location
Using the expression Suppress
When multiple rows have same column value, then value of this particular column will be shown as single value, even other column values exist but it will not be visible it shows the blank space instead of these values.
Like the above picture we can see the difference before and after applying suppress.
How to use
Assign the value to the cell which we want to Suppress in the increasing order.
Example) In this case setting the value for group and department. Setting value 1 for group Setting value 2 for department.
By using suppress expression in the grid, the actual data value is maintained by hiding and in the Grid is used only for representation only.
If the different several rows have same column value, is it possible to represent into one column only?
Source Location
Combo Filter
We can create excel's filter on the Grid by creating combo box and by implementing it with filter method of Dataset
Related Method
Method to change special cell's property on the Grid.
This method is used to show the records from Dataset records by satisfied conditions.
Main Source content
/* * File Name : Grid_Row_ExcelFilter * Description : Implementing Excel's filter on the Grid */ /* execute Filter*/ this.btn_execute_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.ds_data0.insertRow(0); // set Combo this.grd_output.setCellProperty("Body", 0, "displaytype", "expr:currow==0 ? 'combo' : 'normal'"); this.grd_output.setCellProperty("Body", 0, "edittype" , "expr:currow==0 ? 'combo' : 'normal'"); // set List this.grd_output.setCellProperty("Body", 0, "combodataset" , "expr:currow==0 ? 'ds_data1' : ''"); this.grd_output.setCellProperty("Body", 0, "combocodecol" , "expr:currow==0 ? 'COL0' : ''"); this.grd_output.setCellProperty("Body", 0, "combodatacol" , "expr:currow==0 ? 'COL0' : ''"); // display Combo this.grd_output.setCellProperty("Body", 0, "combodisplay", "expr:currow==0 ? 'display' : 'edit'"); } /* change the list*/ this.grd_output_oncloseup = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.GridEditEventInfo) { if (e.value.length < 1) { this.ds_data0.filter(""); } else { this.ds_data0.filter("COL0=='"+ e.value +"' || currow==0"); } }
filter, setCellProperty, excel
Source Location
Expr usage
Based on conditions change display and edit type
Ways of setting by using Property
If we want to use expr on the cell, we can use the expression on the cell, after changing displaytype and edittype will show the expression format.
Example) If Column2 of DataSet has value Y then the checkbox is appeared If value is not Y, then it is normal.
Way of setting by using Script
this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.Grid01.setCellProperty("body",0,"displaytype","expr:Column2=='Y'?'checkbox':'normal'"); this.Grid01.setCellProperty("body",0,"edittype","expr:Column2=='Y'?'checkbox':'none'") }
By using the terms can we change the displaytype and edittype?
Source Location
Expr three conditions arithmetic expression
By using Expr can process multiple cases by comparing them.
Way to set up using the Property
Choose the background property of the cell and write the expression, we can show the background color by expression.
background: odd-Row Display
background2: even-Row Display
In the grid properties useselcolor must be set false
Can I set the BackGround Color by Row?
Source Location
Expression setting using rowlevel, rowtype of DataSet
While creating Group on DataSet by keystring, following the rowlevel property value we can set value by expression. Using the expr on cell grid by the following way dataset.getRowLevel(rowidx), dataset.getRowType(rowidx) , the rowlevel and rowtype value will be appeared on the grid.
Setting the background according to rowlevel
If we want show different background color by sub-level, so we should set getRowLevel(rowidx) expression in background property.
Keystring setting of DataSet
We can create Groping by specifying G:department,group on keystring attribute.
Setting background according to different rowtype.
Changing edittype following by rowtype
Following the rowType on the Grid we can express the edit. We can edit the only row type 2 which is newly inserted. We can express rowtype by expression getRowType(rowidx).
When you do addrow in Dataset, The RowType is 2.
Though you change the value of column, the Row Type is not changed to Update(4).
In case of searching and then modifying Data, the RowType is changed to Update(4).
Source Location
By using expr way of returning function execution result.
Calling function from expr
On expr of Grid cell, declaring the function we can call the function and can get return value on Script. Like below obtaining the sum on the specific cell, we should declare fn_sum(rowidx) on expr, it return result in fn_sum after calculation.
While we access any function from the grid including the form, it is necessary to call the function by comp.parent then function name.
Calling function declaration part from expr
this.fn_sum = function(row) { var sum= this.Dataset00.getColumn(row,"Column0")+this.Dataset00.getColumn(row,"Column2"); return sum; }
Is it possible to call script being declared in form from expr?
Source Location
Way to implement casesum, caseavg on summary using Grid expr
On summary area of the grid by using the expr casesum and caseavg we can calculate the sum and average within the DataSet specified conditions.
Way to implement casesum, caseavg on summary using expr
If the column value dataset is greater than 10, it will be considered to calculate the sum.
If the column value dataset is greater than 10, it will be considered to calculate the avg.
Source Location
How to get execution result expr
Each component can be expressed expr attribute to a variety of formulas. When we are using display expr property it will show the used expression and when we are using displaytext property it will show execution result of expression.
Using displaytext gets the execution result
this.Edit01.set_value(this.Button01.expr); this.Edit02.set_value(this.Button01.displaytext);
Way of verifying the executed value on the Grid
dn = eval("this." + this.Grid00.binddataset); this.Edit00.set_value(this.Grid00.getCellText(dn.rowposition,2));
Can we get the execution result set by expr?
Source Location
Grid cell can be represented in the expression expr (Way of specifying the scope)
Way to use | Brief Description |
this.col | Display the cell's index of Grid.(this indicate the current cell) |
dataset.rowcount | After binding the DataSet with grid, display the total rowcount(Bind DataSet indicated) |
dataset.rowposition | Shows the current row position of the bind dataset with Grid. Currently selected row position is 0(starting from 0). (Bind DataSet indicated) |
comp.currentcell | Shows the current selected cell index . The index of the currently selected cell is 0(Starting from 0).(comp indicating the Grid) |
currow | Will show the current row index of DataSet |
Can we get the index of the Grid's cell?
Can we get the index of the Grid's row?
Source Location
Grid Rows/Column Sum
This describes the expression how to represent sum of column/rows on the Grid.
Getting total (row)
We can get total sum by getSum method of DataSet.
Getting total of Columns
We can get sum by using expr.
Source Location
Grid Subtotal/Total
Using keystring of DataSet by specifying the group key, we can show sub total and total automatically.
Way of creating level on group by using "," in keystring
For example "G:column1, column2" means fisrt make group with column1 then making group again with column2.
Setting keystring on DataSet
Setting expr by rowlevel
Source Location
Way of merging more than two columns on keystring into one by group key
"G:+column1-column2" input together column1 and column2 values will be shown together in group.
Way of using keystring on DataSet
Setting expr by rowlevel
Source Location
While using keystring of dataset, deleting subtotal when the number of grouped rowdata is one
Subtotal is expressed on grid using keystring of dataset. When the number of grouped rowdata is one, we delete the subtotal using script.
Main Source Content
for(var i=this.Dataset01.getRowCount()-1; i>=0 ;i-- ) { if( this.Dataset01.getRowLevel(i) > 0 && this.Dataset01.getGroupRangeCount(i) < 2){ this.Dataset01.deleteRow(i); } }
Source Location
I want to know way of deleting subtotal. When I express subtotal, the number of grouped datarow is one.
If there is no data to be displayed on the Grid, we can add the following expressions.
fillareatype Description
type | Description | Remark |
none | If there is no data, there will not any row add | |
linerow | If there is no data in the Grid, linerow add the blank row to the part of Grid which does not have data | |
datarow | If there is no data on the Grid, add the constant data row the grid for example ConstColumn | |
controlrow | It will shows the checkbox on grid which does not have data | |
allrow | It will add checkbox and Constant Column the Grid part which does not have data. |
Is it possible to represent rows in the Grid if there is no data?
Source Location
This method describes to express important information like phone no, Social Security Number as password type in the cell.
Setting up a password using the mask
In the data in mask field are processing password type property, all the content inside {} will be shown as *
When we are processing the data as password type, we have to change the cell's edittype property to mask.
Is it possible to describe the Social Security Number and Phone numbers as password type?
Source Location
CheckBox select / deselect
Creating checkbox on the Head Cell of Grid and changing the value on the body grid by checking checkbox. Below is an example while selecting/ deselecting the checkbox on head row.
Set edit type and display type property on grid header
There is onheadclick event on head. In this event when we click on the cell (Checkbox cell) event is generated. Based on the header row click, corresponding checkbox on the row are selected/ deselected. Following is the script to check all the checkboxes
this.Grid00_onheadclick = function (obj:Grid, e:GridClickEventInfo) { if (e.cell == 0) { this.gf_SetGridCheckAll(obj, e); } }
The following method is calling the onheadclick event.
/****************************************************************************** ** function name : gf_SetGridCheckAll() ** function description : This function is used to set the "Checked" column values 1 and 0 while selecting or deselecting the checkbox. When we are selecting or deselecting the head checkbox. All values will be selected/deselected. ** argument : obj : Grid Object ** e : GridClickEventInfo; ** return Type : ** return description : *****************************************************************************/ this.gv_IsGridCheckAll = 0; this.gf_SetGridCheckAll = function (obj:Grid, e:GridClickEventInfo){ var dsObj = eval("this." +obj.binddataset); var v_Colid = obj.getCellProperty("body", e.cell, "text").split("bind:").join(""); this.gv_IsGridCheckAll = (this.gv_IsGridCheckAll ? 0 : 1); dsObj.set_enableevent(false); for (var i = 0; i < dsObj.getRowCount(); i++) { dsObj.setColumn(i, v_Colid, this.gv_IsGridCheckAll); } obj.setCellProperty("Head", 0, "expr", this.gv_IsGridCheckAll); dsObj.set_enableevent(true); }
I want to create checkbox on the head and want to select or deselect entire checkboxes on row. Is there any way to select/deselect checkboxes?
Source Location
Cell background color changing using Timer
Setting EXPR on Cell's background whose cell color to be change
Setting Timer on onload event on form
this.Grid_Brank_onload = function (obj:Form, e:LoadEventInfo) { this.setTimer(1, 1000); }
1000 means 1 second.
Implementation Sources
this.setCellColor = "white"; this.fn_SetBlinkColor = function () { if (this.setCellColor == 'white') { this.Dataset00.setColumn(1, "flag", 1); this.setCellColor = 'red'; } else { this.Dataset00.setColumn(1, "flag", 0); this.setCellColor = 'white'; } } this.Grid_Brank_ontimer = function (obj:Form, e:TimerEventInfo) { if (e.timerid == 1) { this.fn_SetBlinkColor(); } } this.Button01_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { this.Dataset00.setColumn(1, "flag", 1); } this.decode = function () { var varRtnValue = null; var arrArgument = this.decode.arguments; var varValue = arrArgument[0]; var bIsDefault = false; var nCount = 0; if ((arrArgument.length % 2) == 0) { nCount = arrArgument.length - 1; bIsDefault = true; } else { nCount = arrArgument.length; bIsDefault = false; } for (var i = 1; i < nCount; i += 2) { if (varValue == arrArgument[i]) { varRtnValue = arrArgument[i + 1]; i = nCount; } } if (varRtnValue == null && bIsDefault) { varRtnValue = arrArgument[arrArgument.length - 1]; } return varRtnValue; }
When DataSet column value changed into period of time (1 second), according to DataSet value Grid column's value is changed. In this sample value of flag value is changed 1, 0 to set value in Grid.
Can we change color of perticular Cell?
I would like to implement flickering effect.
Source Location
Creating Dynamic Grid
Creating grid using script
Implementation of Source
We can create DataSet and Grid dynamically using Script.
this.Button00_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { var objGrid = new Grid(); objGrid.init("GridNm", "absolute", 37, 100, 367, 352,null,null); // Add Object to Parent Form this.addChild("Grid02", objGrid); objGrid.createFormat(); // Show Object; // Create dataset var objDs = new Dataset(); objDs.set_name("ds_test"); objDs.addColumn("no", "string"); objDs.addColumn("name", "string"); objDs.addColumn("age", "int"); // Dataset Data Input for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var nRow = objDs.addRow(); objDs.setColumn(nRow, "no", i); objDs.setColumn(nRow, "name", 'employ_' + i); objDs.setColumn(nRow, "age", (10 + i)); } //objGrid.set_binddataset("ds_test"); objGrid.set_binddataset(objDs); objGrid.appendContentsRow("head"); objGrid.appendContentsRow("body"); objGrid.appendContentsRow("summ"); // Col Generation // Append one column by default from appendContentsRow() objGrid.appendContentsCol(); objGrid.appendContentsCol(); // Col Size Setting objGrid.setFormatColProperty(0, "size", 100); objGrid.setFormatColProperty(1, "size", 100); objGrid.setFormatColProperty(2, "size", 100); // band setting by cell properties for (var r = 0; r < objDs.getColCount(); r++) { var colinfo = objDs.getColumnInfo(r); objGrid.setCellProperty("head", r, "text",; objGrid.setCellProperty("body", r, "text", "bind:" +; if (r == 2) { objGrid.setCellProperty("summ", r, "text", "expr:dataset.getSum('" + + "')"); } else if(r == 1) { objGrid.setCellProperty("summ", r, "text", "total"); } } }
Source Location
Change background color of cell when column value changes
By using getOrgColumn method of Dataset, we can verify if the column value is changed.
Related Method
This method gets value from Original Buffer of DataSet.
If we want to change the value of the Background and Background2 of Grid cell property by checking previous record, we should enter the "COL2==ds_data.getOrgColumn(currow,'COL2')?'':'red'" expression.
Source Location
Regular Expressions
Insert only Korean Characters in the Grid's input item.
By using the expression we can allow only Korean character to enter into input item.
Related Method
This event is executed when we enter any value in the input field like Korean Character, English Character or Number.
주요 소스 내용
/* * File Name : Grid_Cell_InputHanGul * Description : Insert only Korean Characters in the Grid's input item. */ /* Call Type */ this.grd_output_ontextchange = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.GridEditTextChangeEventInfo) { var objRegExp = new RegExp("[^ㄱ-힣 ]", "g"); this.alert(" Input text 33"); var objResult = objRegExp.exec( e.chartext ); this.alert(" Input text 444 "); if (objResult == null) { return true; } else { return false; } }
Korean, ontextchange, RegExp
Source Location
On Grid '┌' shape merging effect
By using Cell's line property making line thickness 0 , bottom and right line will be not be visible and looks like merge.
Changing line color through properties window
By using Grid's line property applying color order and concept.
We can set line property of right and bottom in Grid. Top and left property follow the line property of the left cell's right, top cell's bottom.
Way to set up general line property
When we set value 2 ~ 4 in line property, the applied order is below.
Source Location
Distinguishing band (Head, Body) on clicking Grid
Using oncellclick event on band (Body, Head...) the Grid we can distinguish header, body and band part. When we click ontside the grid event will not occured. If necessary we can distinguish using the button down event.
Main source content
this.grd_output_onlbuttondown = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo) { if (e.row == -1) { alert("Head Band"); } else if (e.row == -9) { alert("Blank Body"); } else if (e.row == -2) { alert("Summary Band"); } else { alert("Body Band"); } }
Source Location
Scroll two grids at the same time
In case of moving scrollbar using vscroll property on the one Grid, same time another scrollbar change position on another grid.
Main Source Content
/* * File Name : Grid_Format_ScrollTwoGrid * Discription : Scroll two grids at same time */ /* onmouseenter */ this.grd_output0_onmouseenter = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.MouseEventInfo) { // Remove Scroll Event on Opposite Grid this.grd_output1.removeEventHandler("onvscroll", this.grd_output1_onvscroll, this); // Connecting your own Scroll Event. obj.addEventHandler("onvscroll", this.grd_output0_onvscroll, this); } /* onmouseenter */ this.grd_output1_onmouseenter = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.MouseEventInfo) { // Remove the Scroll Event from Opposite of Grid this.grd_output0.removeEventHandler("onvscroll", this.grd_output0_onvscroll, this); // Connecting your own Scroll Event. this.grd_output1.addEventHandler("onvscroll", this.grd_output1_onvscroll, this); } /* onvscroll */ this.grd_output0_onvscroll = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.ScrollEventInfo) { this.grd_output1.vscrollbar.set_pos(e.pos); } /* onvscroll */ this.grd_output1_onvscroll = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.ScrollEventInfo) { this.grd_output0.vscrollbar.set_pos(e.pos); }
Source Location
Getting format information from the Grid changed by user
By using the getCurFormatString method of Grid, We can get information of Grid as XML format.
getCurFormatString can get all information about Grid's size, merger and value etc as well as sequence.
In case of user change the column order in the grid, if he saves the column order, it would be same when user logoin, even do if sever is restarted again.
Related Method
This method provides information of currently viewing screen as String.
This property is used to assign screen's information of the Grid.
The main source
/* * File Name : Grid_Format_UserFormat * Description : Getting format information from the Grid changed by user */ /* Get gridformat*/ this.btn_execute_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var sFormatContents = this.grd_output0.getCurFormatString(); this.txt_output.set_value(sFormatContents); this.grd_output1.set_formats("<Formats> "+sFormatContents+" </Formats>"); }
getCurFormatString, formats
Source Location
Changing currently focusing record to editable input type
By using the Grid cells editdisplay property expression ,only current focusing record can be changed.
Related Properties
editdisplay, combodisplay
Using editdisplay property currently focusing record can change into editable input type, and using combodisplay property currently focusing record's display type can change into editable combo type.
Main Source Content
/* * File Name : Grid_Row_FocusEdit * Discription : Only the records having focus can be changed by input. */ this.iCurrow = 0; this.ds_employees_onrowposchanged = function(obj:Dataset, e:nexacro.DSRowPosChangeEventInfo) { this.iCurrow = e.newrow; }
editdisplay, combodisplay
Source Location
Selecting data using Popup Div
In this technique we are not input data directly in Grid, We choose data from the list display on the popup, then this data is inserted in the list.
Main Source Content
this.col; this.row; this.Grid00_onexpandup = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo) { this.col = e.cell; this.row = e.row; var nX = system.screenToClientX(this, system.clientToScreenX(obj, (e.cell*232) +150)); var nY = system.screenToClientY(this, system.clientToScreenY(obj, (e.row*24)+35)); this.PopupDiv00.trackPopup(nX, nY, null, null, "call_back"); } this.call_back = function (strId,str) { this.Dataset00.setColumn( this.row, this.col , str) } this.PopupDiv00_Grid01_oncelldblclick = function(obj:Grid, e:nexacro.GridClickEventInfo) { var value = this.ds_popup.getColumn(e.row , 1 ); this.PopupDiv00.closePopup(value); }
Popup screen can be adjusted as the development environment changes.
Data input in the Grid can be implemented by Popup screen.
Source Location
Drag & Drop
Pasting grid data using Drag & Drop
Grid_Data Drag_Paste_0
We can paste cell data in grid into EditBox using drag.
Main Source Content
this.drag_data = ""; this.Grid00_ondrag = function (obj:Grid, e:GridDragEventInfo) { var col_id = obj.getCellProperty("body", e.cell, "text"); col_id = col_id.slice(5); this.drag_data = this.ds_bind.getColumn(e.row, col_id); return true; } this.Edit00_ondrop = function (obj:Edit, e:DragEventInfo) { this.Edit00.set_value(this.drag_data); this.drag_data = ""; }
Drag & Drop
Is it possible to copy grid cell data using Drag & Drop?
Source Location
A way to handle when column value of CheckBox in grid is not 1 or 0
we can receive value using CheckBox in particular column in grid. The value of checkbox in grid should be 0 or 1. So this explains to use other values.
Main Source Content
Setting Expr in Grid
Input following stript in Cell expr expressing CheckBox expr:CHK=='Y'?'1':'0'
Dataset Event Script
this.ds_data_oncolumnchanged = function(obj:Dataset, e:nexacro.DSColChangeEventInfo) { if(e.columnid == "CHK") { obj.enableevent = false; //false can stop event temporarily if(e.newvalue == '1') { obj.setColumn(e.row,"CHK",'Y'); } else if(e.newvalue == '0') { obj.setColumn(e.row,"CHK",'N'); } obj.enableevent = true; } }
When there is expr in grid, the performance can be influenced. We recommend you to get data as 1 or 0 type
Source Location
Can we use other values without 0 or 1 of CheckBox in grid ?