Product Type
rMateChart is distinguish between nexacro Browser(runtime) and Web Browser(html5). The rMateChart file is given according to the type you purchased.
Way of installing
Way of installing between product types is the same. Just swf file is changed according to product type.
This product is not free of charge. When you purchase this, we provide product package.
rMateChart is kind of one source of Application. rMateChart should be located in nexacro platform source location. Server should be configured to manage rMateChart that create directory in location of nexacro platform source.
rMateChart must can be accessed from web path.
Installation Process
1) Login using WAS login account 2) Move to Root folder of Application after login 3) Copy rMateChart installation file and server license to rMate path using remote desktop.
Path) c:\Project\rmate
4) License information check Path) c:\HYAPP\rmate\LicenseKey
License Key is given by purchasing agent email when product is given.
Verifying Installation
1. Make sure that the index.html of rMate installation file is in WebRoot path. 2. Call the index.html file using IE browser
When charts appear like above picture, the installation is OK.
Technical Support
You can download ways to use rMate Chart from http://www.riamore.net/ .