By using this.compnents, this.all we can access all the objects and events generated on the form.
Verifying component list using components
this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var i; var components = this.components; var icnt = components.length; this.Dataset00.set_enableevent(false); for( i = 0 ; i < icnt ; i++ ) { var nRow = this.Dataset00.addRow(); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,0,components[i].id); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,1,components[i].name); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,2,components[i].valueOf()); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,3,components[i].text); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,4,this.valueOf()); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,5,this.get_url(components[i],"")); if(components[i].valueOf() == "[object Div]"){ var divcomponents = components[i].components; var subcnt = divcomponents.length; for( j = 0 ; j < subcnt ; j++ ) { var nRow = this.Dataset00.addRow(); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,0,divcomponents[j].id); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,1,divcomponents[j].name); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,2,divcomponents[j].valueOf()); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,3,divcomponents[j].text); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,4,this.parent.valueOf()); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,5,this.get_url(divcomponents[j],"")); } } } this.Dataset00.set_enableevent(true); }
By using all verifying all objects list
this.Button01_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var i; var allobjects = this.all; var icnt = allobjects.length; this.Dataset00.set_enableevent(false); for( i = 0 ; i < icnt ; i++ ) { var nRow = this.Dataset00.addRow(); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,0,allobjects[i].id); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,1,allobjects[i].name); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,2,allobjects[i].valueOf()); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,3,allobjects[i].text); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,4,this.valueOf()); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,5,this.get_url(allobjects[i],"")); if(allobjects[i].valueOf() == "[object Div]"){ var divcomponents = allobjects[i].components; var subcnt = divcomponents.length; for( j = 0 ; j < subcnt ; j++ ) { var nRow = this.Dataset00.addRow(); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,0,divcomponents[j].id); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,1,divcomponents[j].name); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,2,divcomponents[j].valueOf()); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,3,divcomponents[j].text); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,4,this.parent.valueOf()); this.Dataset00.setColumn(nRow,5,this.get_url(divcomponents[j],"")); } } } this.Dataset00.set_enableevent(true); }
this.get_url = function(obj, str) { if(obj == "[object Form]"){var s = "form";}else{var s =;} if(str != ""){s += "."+str} if(obj == "[object MainFrame]"){return "application.mainframe." + str;} return this.get_url(obj.parent, s); }
I want to know the ways of verifying components and objects list.
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Obj information and Event confirmation
In the nexacro platform using components having coding, we can know the value of including function's parameters obj and e. We can also verify the values.
Way to Implement Object List
this.Button00_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { var x; var objList; for (x in obj) { this.objList = this.objList + (x + " : " + obj[x] + "\n"); } this.TextArea00.set_value(""); this.TextArea00.set_value(this.objList); }
Way to Implement Event List
this.Button01_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var y; var eList; for (y in e) { this.eList = this.eList + (y + " : " + e[y] + "\n"); } this.TextArea01.set_value(""); this.TextArea01.set_value(this.eList); }
In the nexacro platform we can use additional external component ActiveX. In this component we can check the value of obj and e object. In external module by default we cannot check the values.
I want to use ActiveX, can we check the included values of obj and e?
Can we confirm obj and e values of Component function?
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Move to next page by using go method
We can move from the current screen to specific screen by using go method.
this.Button00_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { this.go("Sample_Form::Form_go_1.xfdl"); }
We cannot pass parameters in go method while switching the screens.
Can we move to specific form by using script?
Source Location
Sample\Form\np_Form_go.xfdl Sample\Form\np_Form_go_target.xfdl
Changing background color using overlaycolor
showModel in nexacro platform is internally expressed by using div. When we open Div form, parent background color will be changed to gray but we can change the backend color by setting color.
To specify the background color following code should be added"#ff000039");
Relevant source
this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var newChild = null; var objParentFrame = this.getOwnerFrame(); var nRight = 0; var nBottom = 0; newChild = new nexacro.ChildFrame; newChild.init("frmop01", "absolute", 0 , 0, 500 , 500 ,null ,null, "Sample_Form::Form_OverlaycolorDiv.xfdl"); //overlaycolor setting; newChild.autosize = true; newChild.showModal(objParentFrame, "", this, "f_pop_callback"); } this.f_pop_callback = function (sFormId, arg) { }
Window 8 does not support fully for overlaycolor property
While opening in showModal, can we change parent's background color?
Source Location
Sample\Form\np_Form_OverlaycolorMain.xfdl Sample\Form\np_Form_OverlaycolorDiv.xfdl
This is explanation about how to use ontimer event on events of form
setTimer method is used to generate an ontimer event on setting time.
this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { this.setTimer(1, 1000); //Timer setting }
this.comp_timer_ontimer = function (obj:Form,e:TimerEventInfo) { this.Static_clock.set_text(this.Clock()); //Using clock display time display in static component }
KillTimer removes the time setting set by setTimer method.
this.Button01_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { this.killTimer(1); //Timer Remove }
When we apply setTimer (nTimerID,nElapse), nTimerId should have unique value in Application.
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Getting active screen name (ID)
By using getActiveForm method, we can get Enabled screen name.
Main Source Content
this.btn_execute_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { var objForm = application.getActiveForm(); this.edt_output0.set_value(; this.edt_output1.set_value(application.getActiveForm().titletext); }
This sample shows the active screen name, it is has only single screen so it will get only its own name.
If there are many screens open in MDI environment, it will return the name of Active screen only.
ActiveForm, Active Screen
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Showing suitable screen by Layout size
We can show suitable screen by users monitor size and aspect after creating several screen layouts. .
Creating ScreenInfo in ADL
This manages the Screen information which is used in MLM function.
Layout List meaning
We can set screen information by screen size.
Click mouse right button and then click on "Layout List" on newly created screen.
screenid used in Layout List use the content defined in ScreenInfo in ADL.
Grid Format definition by Layout size
MLM only has location information of component. If grid expression content is different by each Layout, you need to change using script or grid Format.
Changing Grid Format as Layout changes
this.np_Form_MLM_onlayoutchanged = function(obj:Form, e:nexacro.LayoutChangeEventInfo) { if(e.newlayout == 'default') { this.Grid00.set_formatid("default"); } else if(e.newlayout == 'Layout1') { this.Grid00.set_formatid("format1"); } else if(e.newlayout == 'Layout2') { this.Grid00.set_formatid("format2"); } }
Verification the Layout size using screen resizing - MLM
AS form size is changed using changing the screen size or mouse, the screen shows using the closest Layout information.
MLM(Multi Layout Manager)
MLM is showing suitable screen Layout by monitor size or length without changing script code after creating several screen Layouts . This is useful to Desktop and Mobile having variety screen size.
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Showing section within screen using Step
We can see section within screen without changing screen using stepcount property.
Setting stepcount
If you set stepcount in form property, the screen will appear as many as the number you set like below. You can design each step page.
Expressing the step screen using timer function
This shows the designed screen on each step using timer function. This sample is composed of image to show on step.
Main Source Content
this.nIndex = 0; this.np_Form_Step_onload = function(obj:Form, e:nexacro.LoadEventInfo) { this.setTimer(1, 2000); } this.np_Form_Step_ontimer = function(obj:Form, e:nexacro.TimerEventInfo) { if(e.timerid == 1){ var StepCtrl = this.stepcontrol; StepCtrl.set_stepindex(this.nIndex); this.nIndex++; if(this.nIndex == 3){ this.nIndex = 0; } } }
When you want to show a lot of information on small mobile machine, You can show section without changing screen in screen using this function.
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Changing TitleBar
Title Bar design and property can be changed using by script or CSS.
Way to use script
Main Source Content
var objParentFrame = null; this.Button00_onclick = function (obj:Button, e:ClickEventInfo) { this.objParentFrame.titlebar.minbutton.set_visible(false); this.objParentFrame.titlebar.maxbutton.set_visible(false); this.objParentFrame.titlebar.closebutton.set_visible(true); } this.Form_TitleBar_onload = function(obj:Form, e:nexacro.LoadEventInfo) { this.objParentFrame = this.getOwnerFrame(); } this.Button01_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.objParentFrame.set_titletext("title changed"); } this.Button02_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) {; } this.Button03_onclick = function(obj:Button, e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) {"@gradation");"linear 0,0 #7ebdb2 0,100 #256e6d"); }
Way to use theme(css)
We can use script as above but actually css is used.
We can change titlebar using TitlebarForm in CSS being in Themes.
Source Location
Note for onbeforeclose event use
We write "Do you want to close this window?" in onbeforeclose event to pop up. But sometimes the message appears as many as Div number. This explains a way to solve this problem.
It is a bubbling event, so the onbeforeclose event occurs at the all levels of objects. After piling all the specified return messages, a confirming window appears to prompt users to decide whether to close.
this.close_test2_onbeforeclose = function(obj:Form, e:nexacro.CloseEventInfo) { return "Do you want to close this window?" ; }
this.close_test2_onbeforeclose = function(obj:Form, e:nexacro.CloseEventInfo) { if(e.fromobject == obj) { return "Do you want to close this window?" ; } }
When onbeforeclose event is used, the message appears twice.
The onbeforeclose event occurs twice.