

Checkbox Basic

CheckBox in a small rectangular box whose state is changed based on selected / unselected state represented by a check mark inside the Button kind of Component.


DatSet binding

CheckBox can be easily bound to DataSet.

Button Align of CheckBox

Text and Button(checkbox) properties of Checkbox can be changed by "buttonalign" property.

Is it possible to change CheckBox Text position of CheckBox?


We can set CheckBox border style.

true,false value

We can set two values for true and false, false default value when CheckBox is unchecked.
However we can set true and false value for CheckBox.
CheckBox has default value true and false.
CheckBox's true, false value can be changed by the property value 1 and 0. 
When you use check box in grid, grid use 0 and 1 value so we recommend you to use 0 and 1 in checkbox.

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Radio Basic

Radio component is round shape which have several options but one is selectable. It is button kind component.


Inner DataSet

Radio can be linked to DataSet for data representation.

DataSet binding

Radio can be represented by DataSet binding.


We can set Column Count to show Radio component in divided columns

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Radio Contents Editor

Way of using radio contents



Is it possible to create radio button without binding with inner dataset?

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Radio InnerDataSet operating approach

We can set Radio Component code and data columns by inner dataset properties. Users can insert/modify/delete datacolumn and codecolumn in Radio Components by programming.


Below is the approach by programming to add
code and data columns in the Radio Content through inner datasets.
this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:Button,  e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo)
    this.Radio00.innerdataset.setColumn(0,"codecolumn",'code value);
    this.Radio00.innerdataset.setColumn(0,"datacolumn","data value");
    this.alert(this.Radio00.innerdataset.saveXML());  //confirm

Is it possible by scripting language to modify the inner datasets which is binding with radio components?

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