Utilizing Object Interface Functions

If you open the .xcdl file(Composite Component) or [object name].js file in the Project Explorer tab, you can check the object interface list in the property window. A basic template is generated by double-clicking each item in the same way as adding events in Nexacro Studio.

Checking Object Interface List in Property Window

XCDL File (Composite Component)

If you open the .xcdl file in the Project Explorer tab and the Class Definition tab is selected, you can check the object interface list in the property window.

JS File (Object Other than Composite Component)

You can see the object interface list in the property window by opening the .js file of the object in the Project Explorer tab.

Adding Object Interface Function

Adding in Property Window

In the same way as adding events in Nexacro Studio, the default template is created by double-clicking each item. A brief description of the interface function and the code to write are provided in the comment form.

Adding from Menu

You can add the object interface function by selecting the file in Project Explorer and selecting the same item from the menu [Edit > Add > Object Interface Functions] or the context menu.

You can add only one object interface function at a time in the property window, but you can select and add multiple items in the [Add Object Interface Functions] window. Select the object interface function to add and click the [OK] button.

Checking Object Interface Function Help

The object interface function help is provided in the form of a separate JSDoc. You can check the list of object interface functions that can be used commonly in each object.

If you select the menu [Help > Object Interface Function Manual] item, then the JSDoc file (index.html) from the installation folder is loaded from the web browser.

If you select the object type from the Modules list, then the list of object interface functions provided is displayed.




Invisible Object (except when inheriting the Object, Action objects)


Invisible Object (when inheriting the Action object)


Composite Component, Visible Object


Device Adaptor


All objects are implemented by inheriting Object, and the toString() method can be used in common with all objects.


Protocol Adaptor

The function to search for interface function names is provided. It searches for the function name that contains the character string entered in the search window and moves to the corresponding location when clicked.