
Introducing Calendar

There are many cases in which you need to enter a date, even in everyday life. For example, you may enter your date of birth when registering for a membership, or select the date when you book a movie at a theater. Unlike other items, the format for entering the date is fixed. The Calendar component provides the function that allows the user to enter and check the desired items more conveniently and quickly.

By using 'date' among the type property values added to the HTML Input element, you can use a calendar-like function. Although the function to select the date works, the way the user sees it differs, depending on the web browser. Therefore, the Calendar component used in Nexacro uses the component independently implemented separately from the HTML Input element.


The input method of the Calendar component varies depending on the situation.

Creating Calendar


Creating Calendar Component

Select Calendar from the toolbar, and drag and drop it onto Form to create it. Since the format displayed on the screen varies according to the type property value, create 3 Calendar components and specify different type property values for each. The type property values supported by the Calendar component are as follows.

normal (default)

If the type property value is "normal", then clicking the calendar icon opens the calendar. When you select the desired date by clicking it, the calendar disappears. If the type property value is "monthonly", then the calendar is expanded. You need to write a separate script that processes the selected value when the desired date is selected. If the type property value is "spin", then the spin button to move the date value appears instead of the calendar icon.

If the type property value is set to 'monthonly', then the calendar is displayed in the expanded form. Since the size of the component does not change automatically, you need to adjust the size of the component after modifying the property value.


Checking with QuickView

Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6). If the type property value is not separately set after creating Calendar, then it is set to 'normal' and operates.

Changing Date Format

Different countries have different formats for displaying dates. Country-specific formats are usually processed automatically by modifying the value of the locale property. Usually, the format used the most is set as the default, but you can change the date format if you want the format other than that.


You can see that when the user changes the value of the dateformat property, the date format displayed on the screen changes. The date format that can be entered in the input box is fixed. If you enter the value that is not in the format, then the entered value is not applied to the date format, and the entered value is displayed as-is.


The formats that can be entered in the dateformat item are as follows.

strFormat ::= <maskchar> | 'LONGDATE' | 'SHORTDATE'
<maskchar> ::= [<Year>] [<Month>] [<Day>] [<Week>] [<Hour>] [<Minute>] [<Second>] [<MiliSec>]

When specifying the property value with 'LONGDATE', 'SHORTDATE', the format specified in advance is applied according to the locale property value. The order in which the year, month, and day items are places varies by region. You can check how it operates by changing the locale item in the example.

When specifying the <maskchar> property value, it is changed to the specified date format, regardless of the locale property. It is used to fix the date format that is compulsory. However, the <week> item is displayed according to the set locale.

Core features used in the example


Sets the country and language. It uses the combination of the language [_country] code. For example, if you want to specify English used in the US, specify 'en_US' as the property value. You can use the hyphen (-) instead of underscore (_), regardless of case sensitivity. It still operates even if you specify only the language code without specifying the country code. 'EN_US', 'en-US', 'EN' are all processed in the same format.

If the locale property is specified only as of the language code, then it is automatically set to the representative country of the language. For example, if you set 'English', it specifies 'United States', which is the representative country. Even if the language is the same, the notation may differ, depending on the country. The locale code used in New Zealand is 'en_NZ', and the format for displaying the date is different from 'en_US'.


Sets the date format displayed on the screen when the component has no focus. Since it is to specify the format to be displayed on the screen, it does not affect the value of the actual component.

The dateformat property is case sensitive. The items that can be entered are as follows.


[<Year>] 'yy', 'yyyy'

[<Month>] 'M', 'MM'

[<Day>] 'd', 'dd'

[<Week>] 'ddd'

[<Hour>] 'h', 'hh', 'H', 'HH'

[<Minute>] 'm', 'mm'

[<Second>] 's', 'ss'

[<MiliSec>] 'sss'

How to implement an example


Configuring Form Screen

Place the Static, Edit, Calendar, Button components as shown in the example screen. The Static component displays the title of the input item, and the Edit component receives the locale property value and the dateformat property value.


Writing Button Component Event Function

Select the Button component and write the onclick event function. When the Button component is clicked, the property value entered in the Edit component is applied to the Calendar component.

this.btnChange_onclick = function(obj:nexacro.Button,e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo)
	this.calDisplay.locale = this.editLocale.value;
	this.calDisplay.dateformat = this.editDateformat.value;


Checking with QuickView

Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6) and enter locale, dateformat to check the value displayed in the Calendar component.

Getting Today's Date

Displaying today's date is the basic function of any system. If you are using the Windows operating system, then the clock and today's date are displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. When you run the calendar, today's date is displayed as selected. When creating the search condition based on the date, the function to process today's date is the most basic function as it is specified in the previous 1 week and the previous 1 month based on today's date.


When the button is clicked, today's date is output on the screen. If you want today's date to be displayed when the screen is output, then you can process the script in the onload event function of the Form object. Since this example is to explain how to get today's date, it is processed in the way that operates when the button is clicked.


Core features used in the example


Processes date and time with the Date object. The created Date object contains information about the current time. You can extract only the desired item value using the method such as getFullYear.

getFullYear, getMonth, getDate

This is the method that extracts the year, month, and day values from the Date object in the Integer format. Since values are extracted in the Integer format, you need to convert them to strings using the toString method and then combine the values in order to express values in the YYYYMMDD format. As the getMonth method returns 0 for January and 11 for December, 1 must be added to indicate the actual month used.


This is the method that is used to create the character string with the length specified in the String object. For example, when trying to express the character "1" as "01", it is used as follows. The first parameter (2) is the length of the character string to be created. The second parameter ("0") is the character string to be filled in on the left. The character string is filled into the remaining length by subtracting the length of the original string.

var dummy = "1".padLeft(2,"0"); // "01"
var dummy = "1".padLeft(5,"*"); // "****1"

This is the property that has the date value displayed in the Calendar component. The value property value varies depending on the editformat property value. Since the default value of the editformat property is an 8-digit value of 'yyyyMMdd', the example below creates the character string in the corresponding format and sets it as the value.

How to implement an example


Configuring Form Screen

Place the Calendar, Button components as shown in the example screen.


Writing Button Component Event Function

Select the Button component and write the onclick event function. When the Button component is clicked, today's date is calculated and applied to the Calendar component.

this.btnToday_onclick = function(obj:nexacro.Button,e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo)
	var currDate = new Date();
	var year = currDate.getFullYear().toString().padLeft(4, "0");
	var month = (currDate.getMonth()+1).toString().padLeft(2, "0");
	var day = currDate.getDate().toString().padLeft(2, "0");

	this.calToday.value = year+month+day;


Checking with QuickView

Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6) and check if today's date is output normally.

Displaying Trailing Day

The Calendar component displays the date in months. At this time, you can set the option to display only the dates for this month or the previous and subsequent months. The default value is false, and only the dates for this month are displayed.

The advantage is that if you only need to select dates for the current month, then you can only show and let the user select the dates that are available for selection.


After selecting the property value using the Radio component, you can check what the Calendar component looks like.


Core features used in the example


Sets whether to display the date displayed in the Calendar component only for the month or the previous month and the next month.


How the Calendar component is displayed on the screen varies according to the type property value. In this example, the type property value is set to 'monthonly' to immediately check how the usetrailingday property value is applied.


The value selected in the Radio component is transmitted in the form of the character string. The usetrailingday property must specify the Boolean property value, such as true or false. At this time, the value can be converted using the Boolean method.

The cases that are processed as false values when using the Boolean method are as follows. All other values are processed as true values. In the example, in order to process it as the false value, the codecolumn data of the Radio component is set to blank characters.






How to implement an example


Configuring Form Screen

Place the Calendar, Radio components as shown in the example screen.


Specifying Property Value

Modify the type property value of the Calendar component to 'monthonly'. You also need to appropriately modify the height value of the component. It will be displayed nicely if it is set to the same value as the width value. For the Radio component, set the innerdataset value as follows. At this time, the codecolumn value corresponding to false should be set to blank characters.

In the code, '' is also processed as the blank character, but if you enter '' in the codecolumn item in Nexacro Studio, the quotation mark itself is recognized as the character. Therefore, you must enter the blank character instead of ''.


Writing Radio Component Event Function

Select the Radio component and write the onitemchanged event function. When selecting the item of the Radio component, the corresponding value is set as the usetrailingday property value of the Calendar component.

this.radioTrailingday_onitemchanged = function(obj:nexacro.Radio,e:nexacro.ItemChangeEventInfo)
	this.calToday.usetrailingday = Boolean(this.radioTrailingday.value);


Checking with QuickView

Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6) and check if the Calendar component changes according to the selection.

Calculating Difference between Dates

Calculating the difference between dates is the function often used in everyday life. For example, if you have a test ahead, then you may be wondering how many days you have left to study based on today's date. Also, if you are seeing someone, you may want to check how many days you have been with your significant other. In addition to these cases, companies often calculate salaries based on dates.


Receive the dates from two Calendar components and calculate the difference to output it.


Core features used in the example

getYear, getMonth, getDay

Since the date value displayed on the screen may vary depending on the locale property value setting, a separate method was used to get the year, month, and day. The getMonth method processes January as 0, so a separate operation was added.


This is the method of the Date object and it returns the time value in milliseconds. It is used to convert two dates to milliseconds to compare them as the operation.


When calculating the date, if the date entered in the From item is later than the date entered in the To item, the result value is displayed as a negative number. To correct this, the abs method of the Math object is used. The abs method returns the absolute value of the entered value.

How to implement an example


Configuring Form Screen

Place the Calendar, Edit, Button, Static components as shown in the example screen.


Writing Button Component Event Function

Select the Button component and write the onclick event function. When the Button component is clicked, the calculated value is displayed in the Edit component by comparing the values selected in the two Calendar components.

this.btnCal_onclick = function(obj:nexacro.Button,e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo)
	var fromDate = new Date();
	var toDate = new Date();
	var calDate;
	var day = 1000*60*60*24;
	calDate = fromDate.getTime() - toDate.getTime();
	this.editDay.value = Math.abs(calDate/day);

The getTime method returns the millisecond value and uses the day variable to convert it to the date value. The value in the day variable is the value of 1 day converted to milliseconds. (24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds * 1000)


Checking with QuickView

Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6), select the date, and click the button to calculate the difference between the dates.

Calculating Date Intervals by Year & Week

Depending on the task, certain date ranges may be processed on a weekly basis. For example, if meetings are held on a regular basis, then they may be displayed as 'Regular Meeting of the 32nd Week of 2016 '. In this case, it is necessary to calculate which date range means the 32nd week of 2016.


Receive the year and week as numbers and display the start date of the corresponding date interval in the Calendar component.


Core features used in the example


The getDay method of the Date object returns the day value from 0 to 6. 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday. Since the example processes the start of the week as Sunday, set January 1st of the year to calculate the 1st week and then check if that day is Sunday.

The Calendar component also has the getDay method. This method, however, returns the date value, not the day of the week. To get the day of the week value from the Calendar component, you need to use the getDayOfWeek method.


This is the method that processes the date operation of the Date object. It returns the date value added by the number specified by the parameter. The date value of the corresponding Date object is changed, and if successfully processed, then it returns the date value calculated in milliseconds. If the number specified by the parameter is negative, then it returns the date value subtracted by the specified number.


This is the method that converts the string specified as the parameter into the integer number. For example, the value input in the Edit component is processed as the character string, but if the input value needs to be calculated as a number, then the method for conversion is required. If you operate on the string without converting it, then you may obtain unwanted results.

"3"+1; //"31"
parseInt("3")+1; // 4

How to implement an example


Configuring Form Screen

Place the Calendar, Edit, Button, Static components as shown in the example screen. The Calendar component sets the value of the type property to monthonly and the value of the usetrilingday property to true so that you can check the calculated value immediately.


Writing Button Component Event Function

Select the Button component and write the onclick event function. When the Button component is clicked, the entered year and week are calculated and the result is displayed in the Calendar component.

this.btnCal_onclick = function(obj:nexacro.Button,e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo)
	var dDate = new Date(parseInt(this.editYear.value),0,1);
	var nDay = dDate.getDay();
	if(nDay != 0) {
	dDate.addDate(7 * (parseInt(this.editWeek.value)-1));
	this.calWeek.value = dDate.getFullYear()
		+(dDate.getMonth()+1).toString().padLeft(2, "0")
		+dDate.getDate().toString().padLeft(2, "0");


Checking with QuickView

Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6) and enter the year and week to check the date interval.

Specifying Holidays

The function to mark holidays in the calendar is a difficult aspect to implement in a logical way, although it is often used. The event schedule API provided externally is used, or the developer creates and provides data on its own. The Calendar component uses the method to display holiday information by specifying the innerdataset property value.


When the button is clicked, the holiday information is applied and displayed in the Calendar component. The first day of each month of the current year has been specified. The corresponding date information can be changed as needed.


Core features used in the example


You can specify Dataset that contains the corresponding date to process a specific date notation in the Calendar component. You can also specify by adding the Dataset component, or by adding data using the innerdataset editor in Nexacro Studio.

backgroundcolumn, textcolorcolumn, bordercolumn

This is the property that specifies the background color, text color, and border information of the area corresponding to the date in the Calendar component. The bordercolumn data should be written based on the border property of the DatePickerControl control.

How to implement an example


Configuring Form Screen

Place the Calendar, Button components as shown in the example screen. For the Calendar component, set the type property value to monthonly so that you can check the calculated value immediately.


Setting Dataset Component

Add the Dataset component and set 4 columns, which are backgroundcolumn, bordercolumn, datecolumn, and textcolorcolumn. Then, set the innerdataset item of the Calendar component in the property window. You can set the rest of the items in the list as well after setting the innerdataset property value.


Writing Button Component Event Function

Select the Button component and write the onclick event function. When the Button component is clicked, the Dataset data is initialized and the date value of the 1st of each month of the current year is added to Dataset. At this time, if the backgroundcolumn, bordercolumn, textcolorcolumn items are not set, the values specified in the theme are applied.

this.btnCal_onclick = function(obj:nexacro.Button,e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo)
	var colorBordercolumn = "1px solid green";
	var colorBackgroundcolumn = "yellow";
	var colorTextcolorcolumn = "red";
	var currDate = new Date();
	var year = currDate.getFullYear().toString().padLeft(4, "0");	
	for(var i=1;i<13;i++) {
		var rIdx = this.dsHoliday.addRow();
		this.dsHoliday.setColumn(rIdx, "backgroundcolumn", colorBackgroundcolumn);
		this.dsHoliday.setColumn(rIdx, "textcolorcolumn", colorTextcolorcolumn);
		this.dsHoliday.setColumn(rIdx, "bordercolumn", colorBordercolumn);
		this.dsHoliday.setColumn(rIdx, "datecolumn", (year+i.toString().padLeft(2, "0"))+"01");	

The for statement was used to specify the first day of each month as a holiday from January to December. The initial value of the variable i is set to 1, incremented by 1 until it is less than 13, and the code within the statement is repeatedly executed. Since a new value is added to Dataset, Row is added with the addRow method, and data is specified to the specified column using the setColumn method. It is the same as adding Row and setting the value in Nexacro Studio as shown in the figure below.

If you want to delete all previously added Dataset values when the user clicks the button or enters the item, then use the clearData method. In this example, the same data is added, so if there is no initialization, then the same data will be accumulated over and over again.

If the backgroundcolumn, bordercolumn, and textcolorcolumn items are not set, then the values specified in the theme are applied.


Checking with QuickView

Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6) and click the button to specify the specified holiday.

Converting to Lunar Dates

The conversion of solar dates to lunar calendars does not have clear rules. So, if you look at most lunar date conversion scripts, there is a limit to converting only from some point to some point. The basic data for that period is specified in the script and calculated. In this example, we will take a look at the conversion of 1900 to 2040 lunar dates.


When the solar calendar date is entered, the lunar date is displayed.


Core features used in the example


When setting the value in the Calendar component, the value is set in the same way as "20181212", and the concat method is used to combine the strings divided by year, month, and day into one.

How to implement an example


Configuring Form Screen

Place 2 Calendar components. The first Calendar component is for inputting solar calendar dates. The second Calendar component is for displaying lunar dates. Set the value of the enable property value to false. Then, place one more CheckBox component. Because there is the concept of a leap month for lunar dates, display it in the checkbox if it is the leap month.


Writing onchanged Event Function of Calendar Component

Write the onchanged event function so that the lunar date is displayed immediately after entering the solar calendar date. The lunar date is calculated from the input value and displayed in the Calendar component and the CheckBox component.

this.Calendar00_onchanged = function(obj:nexacro.Calendar,e:nexacro.ChangeEventInfo)
	var c = new String(obj.value);
	var y = c.substr(0,4);
	var m = c.substr(4,2);
	var d = c.substr(6,2);
	var lunar = this.lunarCalc(y, m, d, 1);
	lunar.month = lunar.month < 10 ? "0"+lunar.month : lunar.month; =   < 10 ? "0"   :;
	this.Calendar01.value = String().concat(lunar.year, lunar.month,;
	this.CheckBox00.value = lunar.leapMonth;


Calculating Lunar Dates

The function called in the onchanged event is lunarCalc. Here, the entered solar calendar date is calculated as the lunar calendar date. Rather than a calculation, it is more about finding and returning the corresponding date information in an array called lunarMonthTable.

this.lunarCalc = function (year, month, day, type, leapmonth)
	var solYear, solMonth, solDay;
	var lunYear, lunMonth, lunDay;
	var lunLeapMonth, lunMonthDay;
	var i, lunIndex;
	var solMonthDay = [31, 0, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
	/* range check */
	if (year < 1900 || year > 2040)
		alert('This example supports solar to lunar from 1900 to 2040 only');

Please refer to the source for the full script code.


Checking with QuickView

Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6) and select the date in the first Calendar to check the lunar date.

Correcting Entered Date

When you select the date directly from the calendar, the selected date value is processed as-is, but if you enter the value directly into the text editing area or set the value in the script, then it may be out of the date range or missing values may be entered. In this case, the date value is internally corrected according to the rules and processed as the corrected date.


When you select the value to enter in the Radio component, the corrected value is displayed in the Calendar component. The date correction rules are as follows.


Core features used in the example


In the case of the Calendar component, the value entered by the user may be different from the value property value that is actually processed. In addition to the rules described in the example, it may differ from the value entered, depending on the editformat property. In general, because the path that the user can enter is limited, exceptional situations do not occur. However, if you do not know the characteristics of the value property in advance, then you cannot check the cause when the desired data is not received.

How to implement an example


Place the GroupBox component on the screen and place the Radio component in it.

In the example, the GroupBox component was used to separate and display the Radio components according to the rules. It does not affect the operation.


Specify the innerdataset data of the Radio component as in the example.


Place the Calendar component under the Radio component.


Select the Radio component and select the [Add User Property] item from the property window context menu.


When the [Add User Property] input window appears, enter "calendarId" for the Name item and "Calendar00" for the Value item.

The calendarId property added as the user property will be used when processing the event of the Radio component.


Add the onitemchanged event function of the Radio component as shown below.

Set the value property value of the Calendar component, which corresponds to the calendarId property value, which is the user property of the Radio component, where the event occurred to the selected item value.

this.Radio_onitemchanged = function(obj:nexacro.Radio,e:nexacro.ItemChangeEventInfo)
	this[obj.calendarId].value = e.postvalue;


Select all of the GroupBox, Radio, Calendar components, copy and paste them, and place them in an appropriate location.

In the example, since the placement of 3 components is repeated 3 times, copy and paste was used. This is a simple example, so you can repeat the steps from step 1.


Modify the text property value of the GroupBox component and set the innerdataset property data of the Radio component. If you copied the Radio component created earlier, also modify the user property, the calendarId property value.


Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6) to check how the selected value is displayed.

Specifying DatePickerControl Style

DatePickerControl is the area where you can select a date in the calendar form in the Calendar component. Since it can be used not only in the Calendar component but also in the Grid component, it is separated into a separate control. Let us take a look at how to specify the style of the DatePickerControl area in the Calendar component.


On the left, the default theme is applied, and on the right, some style properties have been changed.


Core features used in the example


This is the property that is for accessing DatePickerControl, the child control of the Calendar component. In the example, it is used as the child selector to set the style property.

How to implement an example


Place the Calendar component on the screen and set the locale property value to "en_US" and the type property value to "monthonly". Specify the width, height property values to 200.


Open the xcss file and add the code as shown below.

DatePickerControl can be divided into two parts, which are the head that displays the year and month with the button and the body that displays the day and date. The body again consists of weekband indicating the day of the week and each dayitem. In the code below, the background colors of the head, weekband areas are changed, the borderlines of the body area are made invisible, and Saturday and Sunday are displayed in the same color as the other days.

.Calendar.sample_calendar_09 .datepicker .head
	background : orangered;
.Calendar.sample_calendar_09 .datepicker  .body .weekband
	background : orangered;
.Calendar.sample_calendar_09 .datepicker  .body
	-nexa-border : 1px none transparent;

.Calendar.sample_calendar_09 .datepicker .body .dayitem[userstatus=saturday]
	color : #333333;
.Calendar.sample_calendar_09 .datepicker .body .dayitem[userstatus=sunday]
	color : #333333;
.Calendar.sample_calendar_09 .datepicker .body .weekitem[userstatus=saturday]
	color : #ffffff;
.Calendar.sample_calendar_09 .datepicker .body .weekitem[userstatus=sunday]
	color : #ffffff;


Set the cssclass property value of the right Calendar component to "sample_calendar_09".


Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6) and check the styles applied to the two Calendar components.

Setting Next Day as Weekday

If the day selected in the Calendar component is Friday, set the Monday of the following week, not Saturday.


If you select a date between Sunday and Thursday, then the next day is displayed in the second Calendar component, and if you select Friday or Saturday, then it displays Monday.


Core features used in the example


Returns the value of the day of the week on the selected date. Sunday returns 0 and Saturday returns 6.

How to implement an example


Place the Calendar component on the screen and set the locale property value to "en_US. Set the readonly property value of the second Calendar component to false.


Write the onchanged event function of the first Calendar component as follows.

Use the getDayOfWeek method to check the day value of the selected date and process it separately in the cases of Friday and Saturday.

this.Calendar00_onchanged = function(obj:nexacro.Calendar,e:nexacro.ChangeEventInfo)
	var nWeek = obj.getDayOfWeek();
	if(nWeek == 5)
		this.Calendar01.value = this.AddDateOffset(e.postvalue, 3);
	else if(nWeek == 6)
		this.Calendar01.value = this.AddDateOffset(e.postvalue, 2);
		this.Calendar01.value = this.AddDateOffset(e.postvalue, 1);
	this.setFocus(true, false);

Return the value added by the specified day for processing the next day.

this.AddDateOffset = function(sDate, nOffset)
    var nYear = parseInt(sDate.substr(0, 4));
    var nMonth = parseInt(sDate.substr(4, 2));
    var nDate = parseInt(sDate.substr(6, 2)) + nOffset;

    return this.MakeDate(nYear, nMonth, nDate);

this.MakeDate = function(nYear, nMonth, nDate)
    var objDate = new Date(nYear, nMonth-1, nDate);

	var sYear   = objDate.getFullYear().toString();
	var sMonth  = (objDate.getMonth() + 1).toString().padLeft(2, "0");
	var sDate   = (objDate.getDate()).toString().padLeft(2, "0");

	return sYear + sMonth + sDate;


Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6) and select the desired date in the first Calendar component.

Delivering the information of selected year and month

Let's look at how to process the information of selected year and month in the Calendar component.


When a year and month are selected in the first Calendar component, information is passed to the second Calendar component to be displayed in the calendar accordingly.


Core features used in the example


If the property value is set to "button", you can choose a method to select from a list rather than spin when selecting a year/month in the Calendar component. If this is set to "auto", the set value differs depending on the Desktop and Mobile environments.

How to implement an example


Place two Calendar components on the screen.


Set the Calendar compoenet’s type property value to "monthonly".


Set the first Calendar component's datepickerchangetype property value to "button".


Add the onlbuttonup event handler function of the first Calendar component as follows.

The selected values when year and month items are selected (clicked) in the Calendar component are processed.

this.Calendar00_onlbuttonup = function(obj:nexacro.Calendar,e:nexacro.MouseEventInfo)
	var yeartext;
	var monthtext;
	if("yearitem")) {
		yeartext = e.fromreferenceobject.text;
		this.Calendar00_00.value = yeartext;
	if("monthitem")) {
		yeartext = this.Calendar00.datepicker.head.yearstatic.text;
		monthtext = e.fromreferenceobject.text;
		this.Calendar00_00.value = yeartext+this.addZero(monthtext);

The Calendar component does not support events that occur when year/month values are change.

This example is for understanding the execution of the datepickerchangetype property value and how the value is processed, and may not operate normally when applied to the user’s operating system.


Add a feature for correction when the month data is a single digit.

this.addZero = function(string) {
  if (string.length === 1) {
    return "0" + string;
  } else {
    return string;


Add the ondayclick event handler function of the first Calendar component as follows.

The value property value of the Calendar component does not change when the year/month values are changed. The value of the value property is reflected when the day value is selected.

this.Calendar00_ondayclick = function(obj:nexacro.Calendar,e:nexacro.CalendarDayClickEventInfo)
	this.Calendar00_00.value =;


Run QuickView (Ctrl + F6) and check that changes to the year/month values in the first Calendar component are reflected in the second Calendar component.

Displaying other days as holidays

The default theme settings display Saturday and Sunday as holidays. However, Saturday and Sunday are not considered holidays in all countries. For example, in Muslim countries, Friday is a holiday instead of Sunday.

The userstatus applicable to the datepicker has been changed to allow all days of the week to be specified, and the holiday color displayed on the calendar can be applied to suit the usage environment.

The added userstatus property is supported starting from version


The first Calendar component displays holidays provided by the default theme, and the second Calendar component displays Friday and Saturday as holidays.


Core features used in the example


When setting a style, a style can be set for a user-specified state. Status values that can be set for each object are listed at the bottom of the object description in the help. The contents covered in the examples are DatePickerDayItemControl and DatePickerWeekItemControl. The values that can be set in the Status table at the bottom of the object description can be checked.

How to implement an example


Place two Calendar components on the screen.


Set the type property value of the Calendar component to “monthonly”.


Open the xcss file and add the code as shown below.

Set the userstatus of dayitem and weekitem to the desired day of the week and modify the color property value. In the example, Friday and Saturday are colored the same color, and Sunday is colored the same color as the other days.

.Calendar.sample_calendar_12 .datepicker .body .dayitem[userstatus=friday],
.Calendar.sample_calendar_12 .datepicker .body .dayitem[userstatus=saturday]
	color : #ff4c5e;

.Calendar.sample_calendar_12 .datepicker .body .dayitem[status=mouseover][userstatus=friday],
.Calendar.sample_calendar_12 .datepicker .body .dayitem[status=mouseover][userstatus=saturday],
.Calendar.sample_calendar_12 .datepicker .body .dayitem[status=mouseover][userstatus=sunday],
	color : #ffffff;

.Calendar.sample_calendar_12 .datepicker .body .dayitem[userstatus=sunday]
	color : #333333;

.Calendar.sample_calendar_12 .datepicker .body .weekitem[userstatus=friday],
.Calendar.sample_calendar_12 .datepicker .body .weekitem[userstatus=saturday]
	color : #ff7986;

.Calendar.sample_calendar_12 .datepicker .body .weekitem[userstatus=sunday]
	color : #ffffff;

In the default theme (blue), the setting is as follows. When modifying the theme, it can be set as dayitem or weekitem of DatePickerControl.


Set the cssclass property value of the right Calendar component to “sample_calendar_12”.


Run QuickView (Ctrl + F6) to check whether the holiday display color of the second Calendar component has changed.